Two problems about the OP: one was already mentioned; if the patients long term care is at a particular hospital then take them there.
The other is insurance: if you have multiple hospitals in the area; alot of insurances will NOT pay the normal amount for an out of network hospital. Even for things like Cardiac cath: we had a patient get transported to a hospital the EMS crew wanted to take him to instead of the in network one the same distance, but the other direction: it ended up costing the patient almost $25,000 more for the Cath and post care: out of pocket. His insurance paid 50% instead of 95%. Patient sued the EMS provider, I haven't heard how that has turned out
Insurances have to and will pay the in network fees for out of network if it is the difference of a large difference in time, or a Level I over a Level III, etc; but they shouldn't have to pay when there is no difference except ambulance crew desire.