People's responses crack me up here.
My simple solution... if I have some reason to believe that I should need to pat you down.. I word it like this:
"Sir/Ma'am, Im going to pat you down before I put you in my ambulance, for my safety and yours, ok? Please place your hands on the back of your head, interlace your fingers/ Place your hands behind your back and clasp your hands like you're praying. Is there anything I need to know about on you? guns/knives/weapons/drugs/anything sharp thats going to poke me when I touch you?"
If they decline, then I tell them to stay where they are at, keep their hands visible and await law enforcements arrival on scene. I have yet to have anyone decline. Its all in how you word things.
I asked permission, and they consented. Now, I did so in a way that most people don't realize that they consented for the search, but I am legally covered because I did ask and they consented.
If someone gives me permission, then I can do it without any concerns of liability, battery, or any of those other terms that people here throw around with out really understanding the intent behind the laws.