I wonder how treatments would change if each person in the "orgy MCI" had cardiac involvement in opposing parts of cardiac muscle? Also, an orgy MCI just sounds gross.
When I did my internship in
@DesertMedic66's county in 2007 it was almost a 50/50 split of engines staffed with paramedics to BLS engines. That said, IIRC fire still had a hold of MCI's and trying to take command of such incidents was both realistically unheard of, and cause for more confusion amongst them.
Having moved to a part of the state where it doesn't exactly operate this way in an MCI situation a few things have changed. If the paramedic arrives and finds that the call no longer warrants a med alert (MCI) they can call it off. A lot of the times the paramedics won't either because they lack the scene command, and/ or experience to do so, they're from a different county or state, or they're just lazy and let fire take "med group" control; med group is soley on the highest trained medical personnel in our county (i.e., the medic). Or, and this seems to be becoming more commonplace, they are in fact clock-punching cook books.
Fire won't typically argue one bit if our medic calls off an MCI. Many times they're too caught up in the rescue to even acknowledge the patients triage color, and what all resources they in fact do or don't need. Some batt chiefs are definitely more keen on wasting vs. efficient utilization of their manpower and resources, but way too many just remind me why California fire-based medicine is all sorts of haywire.
I kind of feel
@DesertMedic66's pain, and if it were me still in that county I would personally be frustrated to no end. My experiences with ALS fire departments in my state is equivalent to giving the ball back to the schoolyard bully.
Don't believe us? Take a look at this forum on any given day and you'll find a thread that pertains to some sort of riff between some California EMS agency and their local FD.
Like I have already eluded to, my options are limited, as are many of my peers. The only way to get ahead in this state is to outsmart the schoolyard bully, and that really shouldn't be that hard to do