paramedic students


Forum Lieutenant
Students, just a word of advise, practice your bls skills before going to boards believe me, it will help in the long run! Today at boards 75% of the students failed their bls skill station which was KED. ALS skills are important, but the bls skills are important too!!!! Ok I've ranted enough.

I've been told that. There's a tendancy to focus on the advanced aspects of the course and neglect the base that it's built on. That's why our school has practice days and dedicated to just bls skills in addition to having labs open for extra practice on anything we're having trouble with :)


EMS Guru
Again and again .. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ALS TREATMENT OR BLS TREATMENT! Medical care is medical care. Only in EMS is there such a thing...

R/r 911


Forum Chief
Again and again .. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ALS TREATMENT OR BLS TREATMENT! Medical care is medical care. Only in EMS is there such a thing...

R/r 911

But since we ARE in EMS.....

Practice your BLS skills ^_^


EMS Guru
But since we ARE in EMS.....

Practice your BLS skills ^_^

Prehospital care is just one small portion of EMS. Unfortunately, most EMT's are not educated on the formal EMS System. Assuming ambulances and Fire Rescue is the whole thing, when in fact it is just a very, very small portion. Even if it was so this does NOT make it right. As well, if we assume this attitude we now know why that the EMT text is written at a grade school level and the Paramedic at a junior high school level. Still want to use the use the lame analogy?

Patient care is patient care. Medicine is medicine, rural, urban, city, prehospital to surgery. The only reason we separate the two is because many EMS providers lack the educational knowledge (dumbing down) to perform a thorough assessment and treatment plan. We (EMS) have made excuses of NOT providing adequate care to the citizens of the U.S. Shame that we still can only provide the so called (BLS=first aid) to many of the U.S. homes. We may have started the trend but we dropped the ball and others have successfully succeed to provide more advanced care to their citizens.

Whenever someone attempts to categorize patient care into segments; it easily demonstrates that they have little knowledge in medical treatment and very little to no experience in the healthcare system.

R/r 911
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Forum Lieutenant
i'm going to elect to sit quietly in the i dont get sent to time out for my mouth again


EMS Guru
Your welcome and encouraged to speak up!.. This is what a forum is all about. To share and learn. I learn off many that posts here.. even if I may disagree, I respect their opinion as long as there is factual basis to refer the correctness. This is how professional people grow realizing there is more than one way to skin a cat.. heck, the cat may not even have to be skinned! ;)

R/r 911