Paramedic schools


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Hi guys.

I was wondering if there is anyone who went to Foothill College for the Paramedic program can tell me how did you personally like it? Would you choose this college again if you had to do your paramedic school again? Would you recommended to anyone?

I am looking around for schools near me and I think I am leaning more toward community colleges vs. private colleges for my paramedic. Reason? I found myself better off taking the time to learn the material vs. doing the fast base speed programs through private schools.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Moved to the Education section.
Atropine. What's the average cost for P-schools in LA?? Is that where you went to school?

Chimpie, thanks for moving my message to the appropriate section.
UCLA has the best program around.

Coming from the obvious biases of a SoCal Firefighter.

OP- UCLA has a decent program, however, the extremely high cost and simple fact that your internship will be with a fire department in LA county alone should assure you that they are not the best program around.
Hey T-man to be honest it really doesn't matter where you go to school, because at the end of the day my state card says paramedic, just like any other stae card, I just make a few more dollars than the average private medic.^_^
Hey T-man to be honest it really doesn't matter where you go to school, because at the end of the day my state card says paramedic, just like any other stae card, I just make a few more dollars than the average private medic.^_^

You get out what you put in. With that said, a school with subpar standards puts students at a great disadvantage.

With that said I'm not knocking UCLA's school at all, I have heard great things. I have also heard not so great things.

No offense Atropine but an internship with very limited protocols doesn't exactly offer the best educational experience for the student, but it does offer a great deal of patient contacts.

*I don't have to listen to what my monitor tells me or transmit my 12-leads* ;)

Alright done stirring the pot.

Agreed I think you will be much better well rounded paramedic if you do your internship in an area that can actually do something. If your just looking to become a glorified IV starter then it may work for you though. If not go somewhere that isnt so restricted because of an areas poor performance. And it is VERY loosely tied to UCLA and not even on campus. Remember medics mills are medics mills, True paramedic programs have a whole different philosophy.