Paramedic City Job

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am about to apply for a job with a city EMS department in texas and i have to provide a driving record, I had a DUI 7 yrs ago at the age of 20,the dui and my license being suspended shows up on my abstract driving record but not on the type i am supposed to provide. There is also a question on my application for have i ever had my license suspended. the dui was dismissed and does not show up on my criminal history record. do i have to admit that? If they do their own background check do you think they will be able to see things that were not on my driving record or criminal history record. Do you think they will care about a dui from 7 yrs ago? I have passed other background checks before and never admitted it.
We do not give out legal advice. Contact a lawyer if you want a proper answer rather than the opinion of a bunch of anonymous people that may not even be who they say they are.
Like medic417 said, this is a no legal advice zone.
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