Ouch - Wear your helmet

The reason to wear a helmet when going high speed; is for open casket ceremony.

Sorry, I wear my helmet (most of the time) but also realize at high speed their worthless. Yeah, I've read the studies and witnessed numerous of motorcycle accidents too. Basically, if you are > 50 mph it really doesn't matter. Speed of impact and force one will still have TBI or other significant injuries.

In regards to TBI is that motorcycle or Bicycling injuries? As there is also a correlation of low speed impacts causing severe head injuries as well.

In regards to declassifying licenses for not wearing them... grow up. Are you going to also do the same with those >10 lbs overweight, BSA of body fat > 20%, those that smoke or drink alcohol or take prescription (non-prescription) medications as well or work more than 80 hours in a week? Yeah, lets start with something that occurs more often...

As an adult you know and recognize the risks. Just alike when you become a flight medic or nurse, you crash... great chance you are going to die. The least is a broken back, ankles, etc.. that again is if you live.

R/r 911

as per usual, R/r said what i was trying to say much more betterer
The reason to wear a helmet when going high speed; is for open casket ceremony.

Sorry, I wear my helmet (most of the time) but also realize at high speed their worthless. Yeah, I've read the studies and witnessed numerous of motorcycle accidents too. Basically, if you are > 50 mph it really doesn't matter. Speed of impact and force one will still have TBI or other significant injuries.R/r 911

This seems to be relational issue as to what is considered high speed and what type of impact to the head are we talking about? What studies support the claim that a helmet doesn't matter for anything greater than 50 MPH?
There is several studies (no, I don't have a list) but I had studied when I was on my state TBI prevention committee; that accounts that there is only so much as helmet can do as well as the limit of protection. Most mechanism over the speed of 50 mph will produce such injuries that protection can be helpful but doubtful of really having much impact of truly preventing coup contra coup injuries and such related injuries. Most motorcyclists of high speed impacts have other associated life threatening injuries that one can only reduce the chances as well too. There is no real total protection or prevention, alike seat belts and other safety devices.

Most of TBI injury studies that I am aware for pediatrics are r/t bicycle injuries. I was alarmed at the extent of injuries to low speed and in fact placed regulation in my state parks for bicyclists must wear head gear.

I am not against head wear, but that it should be an option if the motorcyclist is of age and aware of the risks. The difference from seat belts and head wear is the percentage of protection it really provides the occupant.

R/r 911
Thanks for clarifying this.

Well, it's like this...

My tough side says if you don't wear a helmet you don't get MediCal for cranial injuries. You just burned up the money I could send (as a case manager) to do pediatric care for a bunch of kids, or pregnant teens, or whatever.

I hate to argue about helmet safety with persons who just don't or won't wear them, it backs otherwise perfectly fine and rational people into saying helmets don't work or cause injuries and other such things. Pishtush, I say, except with the folks who get sensory disconnect and/or feel like they are invincible then rocket into oblivion. (And you know if I were still case managing I'd OK your case. I OK'ed plenty, darnitall). Just don't get all defensive, like tobacco executives arguing about nicotine or oil executives arguing about air pollution.

Just say "I don't wanna".:P
They actually tried to pass a "Seatbelts on Motorcycle" law here in Colorado.... it made it about 5 minutes then went away.

I feel "Let those who ride decide" and as far as taking away my cert for not wearing it... I think not