These areas might need a contract made between other services to cover while their truck is on a transport. FDs do this. Even SFFD (San Francisco) will use AMR as a backup when their trucks are busy. Again, you are comparing large cities, to small rural areas. Most systems do have mutual aid agreements with surrounding counties. But, when those counties only have 1-2 units they may not be able to send anyone to help.
Your responsibility is to one patient and if you do not know what is best, that is what your medical control is there for to advise you.
It would also be a waste to watch a patient die waiting 12 - 24 hours for an IFT to be arranged while you were watching TV at the station and that one patient was your only call for the 24 hours.If you are waiting 12-24 hours for a transport, then your hospital has some greater issues to deal with.
Yeah the "what if" factor of getting a real cool trauma and heaven forbid we have to do an IFT with some "medical" patient is always an issue and is often used as an excuse. No one has said anything about "a real cool trauma"! This is the same as a triage scenario. You have to do the best for the most. You have decided that the patient in front of you is not worth saving because the "what if" call that might happen. I have decided that the pt in front of me will be transported to the closest appropriate facility, for evaluation by a "Dr".
Rural areas must have plans A and B in place even if it is stopping by the rural hospital to pick up one of their staff members to accompany them to the next hospital. There are times when a helicopter can not fly due to weather. Rural areas again should have other options to get the patient to the more appropriate facility. Most do, it is called stabilize and transfer!
Yes, that may mean taking one of your ALS trucks with a hospital staff member who can at least access the vascular access device or establish an airway that you are not allowed to. What makes you think that Rural medics cannot treat these Pt's or access devices? If the Dr at that facility thinks the pt needs transfer, then they will be transfered!The more progressive rural systems do have their acts together and do work with the hospitals and external resources to do what is best for their patients. Some may even have early activation of a trauma system or an agreement with the ED to get a helicopter in the air. BINGO