On call pay???


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I just got off the phone with my wifes cousin who is a paramedic at one of the stations around here. She said I can get put on a roster for transfers. The shifts are 12 hour shifts and i'll get paid $20 a day for being on call. If we take a transfer to springfield we get $40 and if we take one to stlouis we get $50. What does everyone get paid for being on call and doing transfers? Does this sound good or should I go to one of the bigger hospitals or stations and try applying?
So there is no Hourly Pay?
if there is no hourly pay, id call to find out what their average call volume is, and tread with caution, cause some days you might have maybe 6-8 calls depending on the company,some days u might have more or less, so getting called based pay is very inconsistent, but research the company some more
well this particular station only has 5 actual positions.. 4 full time and one part time.. the rest is the paid volunteer stuff that I was talking about. I know their on call volume isnt that great. But if I go to a different company I will have to move seeing as how most of the bigger towns are an hour or more away.. I am not sure what to do.
Does this sound good or should I go to one of the bigger hospitals or stations and try applying?

Depends on whether you want a full-time job, or just contingent POC... That money is probably okay for a POC volunteer gig. Obviously it can't support you though. If you need a job, then go to the bigger services that are hiring FT. Pretty simple.
Yea I want a full time gig. It's just that I don't really want to move but I suppose I will have to if I want to make this a career.
I just got off the phone with my wifes cousin who is a paramedic at one of the stations around here. She said I can get put on a roster for transfers. The shifts are 12 hour shifts and i'll get paid $20 a day for being on call. If we take a transfer to springfield we get $40 and if we take one to stlouis we get $50. What does everyone get paid for being on call and doing transfers? Does this sound good or should I go to one of the bigger hospitals or stations and try applying?

and just where are you and this station located? cause im not sure an extended drive time would be worth the money. but thats just me. we dont get on call pay for transfers though either. we probably should as many as we pump out on a daily basis. anyway.....
Okay, well POC isn't a living, nor benefits, so I would suggest looking into the other departments, until/unless your local one hires FT.

If you don't want to move, you may be able to work a 24- or 48-hour car so you only have to drive to work a couple days a week. We have talked about the danger of these shifts before (search the forums), especially on the drive home, but the truth is that they are still widely used and more practical for some people.
well the station I could do the transfers at is only about 20 minutes from my house. If i were to try and go to a ft position at a larger dept I'd have to drive an hour or more.. im close to stlouis but If I get a job there i'll have to take the nremt and the mo state. gah this sucks lol
hmmm.......thats a tough choice.
well the station I could do the transfers at is only about 20 minutes from my house. If i were to try and go to a ft position at a larger dept I'd have to drive an hour or more.. im close to stlouis but If I get a job there i'll have to take the nremt and the mo state. gah this sucks lol

What's wrong with NREMT and the MO test? Seeing that you live close to the border, those could definitely open up many opportunities (clinically and monetarily) for you... Maybe there's a great job sitting on the other side of the state line!
well seeing as how I still have to take my IL state test on wed taking the nremt and then mo state is alot of tests to do lol.. especially when im going to start my medic classes this fall
It's a fact of life that people have to move to get work. Not everyone can walk into a job in their home town. Lots of people spend a hour or more in city traffic going to work. We have lots of medics who travel an hour to work. Many of them are part time/casual. I travelled 2 hrs one way twice a week for almost 2 years before a spot opened up near home that I could transfer to. If you want full time work with benefits pack your bag. Get a little car cheap on gas and go.
well seeing as how I still have to take my IL state test on wed taking the nremt and then mo state is alot of tests to do lol.. especially when im going to start my medic classes this fall

Do you have to take a MO class? Their website makes it seem like all you need is NREMT...
Do you have to take a MO class? Their website makes it seem like all you need is NREMT...

to get certified in Mo you have to take and pass the NREMT. After you pass the NREMT then you have to take the state test. Only after you pass the state test can you work EMS here in Missouri:)
Not quite sure what town it is but there is a town nearby mine that pays on call EMTs 15$ a hour calls or no calls.
yea i drive an hour each way for work right now lol. the sad thing is if i do just the transfer gig for right now and i do it 5 days a week and get atleast one call a day i would make about the same money as i do now.. man minimum wage sucks.. im going to call some places tomorrow after i take my state test.. man i dont know if i am ready for this or not lol
well this particular station only has 5 actual positions.. 4 full time and one part time.. the rest is the paid volunteer stuff that I was talking about. I know their on call volume isnt that great. But if I go to a different company I will have to move seeing as how most of the bigger towns are an hour or more away.. I am not sure what to do.

I moved me and my fiancée 6 hours west of ANY family or friends... On a 2 days notice for a job. My thing was I have no major roots holding me Dow. ... And in a dew years when I have more experience that I can slap on a resume I'll go back where I know I'll get a job.
I really have no roots holding me here either. Lost both of my parents in 07 and the rest of my family I can do without except my 2 sisters but I can talk to them on the phone. My wife is very involved in her family so that is where I get stuck. I served in the army so I know all about just up and going lol. My wife is another story.
Is she so set on staying with her family that she can't move for 2 years in support of your new career.
she said she would move an hour away but no further.. her mom is a piece of work.. cant stand the woman