omg, omg, omg!!!


Forum Captain
i passed my cpat!! i didn't think that i had it in me, but i did! so, now i'm waiting to hear from the fd in the next month or two. they have to do a background check. oh, i hope i get hired!!! also, i've already gotten through the oral interview and the written test! hooray!


Forum Deputy Chief
Awsome Doll!! let me be the first to toast you!:beerchug:


Airfield Operations

P.S. What's a CPAT? :p


Forum Deputy Chief


Forum Deputy Chief
CPAT is the canidate physical agility test.

It is becoming a nationwide standard for most FDs as they are slowly doing away with the old combat challenge due to it not being a true gauge of one's physical ability or capabilities.

The test removes all gender bias. Either you do it or you can't but the test is an accurate assessment.

The CPAT simulates actual tasks that may be encountered during the first 10 minutes on any working fire scene.

The test itself is a ball buster as it has become the standard for most of Florida and I have partaken several times when testing for different agencies. What's nice about south Florida is they let you take it once at a college and then you are issued a "pass" card that allows you to test for several different agencies without repeating the test. The card is good for one year before renewal is requireed.

The test is Pass or exceptions
Length of test is 10 mins 20 secs.

If you have not done cardio prep, you will more than likely fail.

I am going from memory here, so if corrections are needed please do so.

You have to wear helmet, gloves and a 50lb vest throughout the entire test.

The stations are completed in order and their are lines on the floor indicating where you go next. You must stay on the lines when going between stations, no shortcuts.

Station #1 Stair Climb
For this station, an extra 25 lbs is added on your shoulders. You climb on the stepper and you have a warmup period for 20 seconds at 50 steps a minute. After the warmup, the steps go to 60 steps a minute. You can not hold onto the rails or touch the wall. If you do, you are failed. If you fall of, you fail.
You may briefly graze the wall to steady yourself.

Proctor takes off extra weight, proceed to station 2.

Statiion #2 Hose Drag

Drag a 200ft hose with nozzle 75ft around a barrel and then go to one knee inside a circle thats already on the ground. You must be in the circle, go around the barrel or you fail. You must be on at least one knee or you get a warning, second warning is a failure. You then pull the hose hand over hand another 50ft.

Station #3 Tool Carry

Walk over to a shelf that is approximately 4ft high(simulates engine height).
Remove a K12 and a chainsaw. They must be unloaded properly, one at a time. You then carry a tool in each hand 75ft, around a barrel and then back to the shelf. Both are palced on the ground and then returned to the shelf one at a time. Dropping the tools is a failure, running is a warning, followed by a failyre for second offense. You may set tools down to readjust grip if needed.

Station #4 Ladder Raise and Extension

There are two 24ft ladders already prepositioned. One is on the ground and the other is against the wall. The first ladder must be lifted in a hand over hand fashion ensuring you touch every rung, miss one and you fail. You then step over to the second ladder and you must stand inside a box outline. You then raise this ladder all the way then lower it all the way. Lose control or step out of the box and you fail.

Station #5 Forcible Entry

You use a 10lb sledgehammer and strike a measureing device mounted on the wall. You hit it until the buzzer sounds. You also have to keep you feet out of a marked area. If you lose control you fail, step in the box equals one warning, second time is a failure.

Station #6 Search

You crawl through a tunnel maze that is 3ft high, 4 ft wide and 64 feet long. The tunnel has two 90 degree turns and multiple obstacles. There are also two spots where the dimensions are reduced to make for a squeeze.

Ask for any assistance, opening of escape hatches, calling out for help or choosing to quit results in failure.

Station #7 Rescue

Grab a 165lb dummy by the shoulders or harness, drag it 35ft around a barrel and back another 35ft. You may adjust your grip if needed. Resting or grabbing onto the drum results in failure. Dummy may touch the drum.

Station #8 Ceiling Breach and pull

They have this contraption set up where you take a 6ft long pike pole and then you have to lift a 60lb hinged door by placing the tip of the pike pole in the correct spot. You then hook into a ring and pull down a 8lb device 5 times. You must repeat this scenario 4 times and also must be standing in the correct spot as well.

Drop the pole or step out the box constitutes a warning, second offense is a failure. The procture may also call out MISS if you dont lift the door all the way or pull down far enough and you will have to repeat the cycle.

OKO so that is the test. As I said, its tough. There are no points for shaving off time, it is Pass or Fail. If you are still able to walk after the stair stepper, you should do fine. Your legs absolutley feel like jello after that first event. The rest of it sounds tough, but if you are of average strength and have done cardio, you should be fine.

There are many resources on the web abouot how to prepare for this test and what exercises to do specifically. Most services usually have a practice CPAT day as well, so you have opportunity to get familiar.

One very entreprenuial lady in Florida rented out a warehouse and bought all the same equipment and opened a business. Last I heard she charges like 35-50 dollars for people to come practice.


Forum Deputy Chief
I will never complain ever again when I have to run laps,.......YIPES!!:wacko:


Forum Deputy Chief

I forgot to say total time for this event is 10 mins 20 secs....


IFT Puppet
you did say it.


Forum Captain
i've always been in pretty good shape, and this is still the hardest thing i've ever done physically! you all are awesome!