"Obama Care" versus wishful thinking

We must not forget our religious heritage! The Puritans did not come to America to avoid religious persecution. They came here because they were no longer tolerated in England because of their extremist views. It is not that they wanted to practice their religion freely, but rather they wanted to oppress other religions further than England permitted them to. And that is the Christian legacy, to oppress other religions in order to maintain their status quo, their false sense of superiority, to attempt to convert all non-believers in this world, by any means necessary.
Right, social outcasts, there were not welcome in English society so the left

The social contract (no caps) is that we bury our dead, succor our sick and injured, protect and raise our children, and provide for the common welfare. The only people not ultimately needing help to live are multimillionaires, and even some of them will fall. Forcing people to be covered by insurance (and if you already have it you don't need to buy more, and if you want to be self-insured you can just pay the fine so you take up your share of the load) is like makingn them eat their spinach.
Hey, wait twenty years then repeal it, all us gomers will be gone then anyway.

However the social contract philosophy also requires universal acceptance by all of its participants. And the social contract does not assume that the GOVERNMENT buries our dead, succors our sick, and protect and raise our children. Those are jobs designed for the populous as individuals to take up through the community, charities, or family groups.

Its not an issue of providing universal care, i agree that the people should be provided for, the issue lies with the government involvement in this issue
I agree, but the way people are driven out of one place with bad care to a place with good care (like Mexican citizens fleeing to America for employment versus starving at home) puts an undeserved burden upon states with better benefits. African Americans not only fled the deep South for decades to escape racism, but often fled the country, to Europe. WHen federal marshals said enough of this, and racially motivated violence was deemed a federal civil right issue, that stopped.

The larger the pool of participants, the more self-sufficient the pool is. (See Social Security...until now, it has done so well other programs have raided it for money!).

The government aspect worries me because politicians will see it as a place to start cutting back, as they have with MediCare/MedicAid, and has happened in Great Britain. WE don't see that happening with SocSec here because it has become a political third rail.
The larger the pool of participants, the more self-sufficient the pool is. (See Social Security...until now, it has done so well other programs have raided it for money!).

This is really my major concern with the concept of a government funded system. It either becomes a successful program for a period of time, and is actually profitable or breaking even, which will then lead it it being raided for its "surplus" and left in a mess


It fails miserably due to divisive interests and become a rotting hulk that never quite goes away and sucks from the profitable or functional programs, always lingering around but never quite being beneficial. But no one wants to mess with it for fear of "Taking healthcare from THE CHILDREN/SENIORS/POOR"

Is see the timeline of SS all over this thing
"and Rep. William Pascrell's office helped arrange a $9,100 federal emergency loan."

Think we are not going to pay for this?

They are also currently sitting in a hospital where they are receiving care courtesy of the government....the private money raised only got them to their home state so they could reap the benefits of a "free hospital".

Would of been nice to have had them and the millions of other spaying into a plan all this time instead of using the services at will with no cost. If only they were forced to buy insurance....
Greed has destroyed America.

Most, if not all, politicians, political scientists, and public health administrators know that universal health care will be inevitable in America. They just don't know when.

ObamaCare is simply a last-ditch effort to make a private health insurance system 'work'. ObamaCare is also a stepping stone to a single-payer system. One way or another it will happen.

A national health care system that relies on companies and organizations that require a profit to survive, will, um, not survive.