Nursing Stress Vs EMS Stress

These are some amazing responses! keep them coming!

btw i missed the boat on Rob.. i wont go there since i dont wanna get this topic off track.

ive noticed the main complaint that Nurses have is the lack of staffing, too many patients for one nurse.. lots and lots and lots and lots of Charting.

another question.. Do you think the differences in gender majority in EMS and Nursing have any factor in stress?

one of my very close friends is an ER Tech, and she just recently became an RN and she told me that there is siginificant amounts of Drama/gossip,thoughout the hospital, but especially in her ED.. and from what i hear it can get quite political, nurses sleeping with docs, pcts sleeping with Charge nurses... etc.. just to get ahead.. do you think this Toxic enviorment also adds a siginificant amount of stress?

while i do realize that there is also "drama/gossip" in the world of EMS. it seems that its not as Toxic.. we can just request to get a new partner if you dont like them our skin seems "thicker". i dont know maybe its because its a male dominated career? we just dont care about drama..
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