NREMT vs. State exam


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I'm currently doing EMT-B training, and my instructor insists that we only need to take the state exam once our training is up. I plan on eventually moving out of state. When, exactly, that will be, I do not know.

My question, then, is this: Which, in any of your personal experiences, would be a better option to do? Does it really matter which exam I take? I've been told the NREMT will apply anywhere in the country, but I don't personally know from firsthand experience. I have also been told that I could possibly take BOTH exams to get both certified in my state and with the NREMT. Which would be better, then? State? NREMT? Both (if I can)? Any advice would be much appreciated! :)
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Not every state uses the NREMT. If you want to work in your current state more than likely you will need to pass your state test. If you plan on moving out of your state to another then you should try to find out if the state you are planning on moving to uses the NREMT or not.
To work in your state you almost always have to do SOMETHING with your state. Here it's just present a NREMT for first application then a skills verification form every two years there after.

I would get your nremt too. Sounds like the state will test you but I would do both. The process to get your nremt at a later date is more trouble some than getting it now and never using it.
Just take them both. You will be prepared for an exam at the end of your class, as you will have to study for the class final. The NREMT and state test (if applicable) will not really be any more difficult than the class final. This way you can avoid forgetting things and have to study all over again.
take the NREMT now, I'm taking the NREMT soon and I've been out of class for over a year after only taking the state exam so I have to go back and study