don't read too much into it
Hi there,
literally..don't read too much into it ... the questions asked on the NREMT give you all the things you need to know and nothing between the lines for you to figure out first.
Read the description of the signs and symptoms, vital signs and try to remember what they are typical of and go from there as they then lead you in the right direction of the answer.
I know its easier said then done, but believe me, approaching scenario based questions are much easier if you do it this way. The rest will come naturally when you subconciously remember what treatment you will have to do for the patient in question and so eliminate further possible answers, too.
Like if you detect any heat related illness will always have the correct answer of removing the patient away from the source, wether its a stroke or exhaustion.
As far as other questions like typical range of vital signs for a certain patient group, that is something you just need to keep on mind and memorized.
Maybe just put a scenario on your own in your head and how you would approach it, what would you do during assessment and that way better remember whats WNL etc.
Let me know if you need any more of my thoughts on this
You can do it - you came that far, you know a sh*tload of stuff that you can and will apply
- Markus