NREMT Help!!!


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Okay! So i know there is probably a million posts asking for advice and what to do in order to pass this damn exam. I do regret saying i have failed once. Im keeping my head up. Ive worked so hard and put a lot of money towards this career. I want to help people. The questions are worded so weird. It puzzled me. So enough of me , i just need somthing that WILL really help me (not good at tests) .
don't read too much into it

Hi there,

literally..don't read too much into it ... the questions asked on the NREMT give you all the things you need to know and nothing between the lines for you to figure out first.
Read the description of the signs and symptoms, vital signs and try to remember what they are typical of and go from there as they then lead you in the right direction of the answer.

I know its easier said then done, but believe me, approaching scenario based questions are much easier if you do it this way. The rest will come naturally when you subconciously remember what treatment you will have to do for the patient in question and so eliminate further possible answers, too.

Like if you detect any heat related illness will always have the correct answer of removing the patient away from the source, wether its a stroke or exhaustion.

As far as other questions like typical range of vital signs for a certain patient group, that is something you just need to keep on mind and memorized.
Maybe just put a scenario on your own in your head and how you would approach it, what would you do during assessment and that way better remember whats WNL etc.

Let me know if you need any more of my thoughts on this
You can do it - you came that far, you know a sh*tload of stuff that you can and will apply

- Markus
I used jblearning and I felt that it really helped. It sorta gives you a taste at what they are looking for with the weird phrasing of the questions.
You just need to practice doing written questions. I used It's expensive at $40 for 30 days, but I would use it again in a heartbeat. Pick one of the online practice test websites and just answer questions.
Thanks Everyone!

I heard emtprep was good. My instructor had me using I don't like it. Ill keep studying. I know I'll pass. I just want to know what I'm doing when I'm out in the field with peoples lives on my hand. Thanks again !! Im sure I will be back for more advice! haha :)
I use jblearning to study as well and it definitely gives you a good idea about what the questions are really asking and how work to through them. it provides justification for right and wrong answers which i found the most helpful.

On a somewhat related note, and not to hijack the thread, but has anyone experienced any issues in applying for a seat to test for the NREMT? The program director for the course i took says he didnt receive the course completion verification from NREMT but when i called the people at the NREMT, they say it was sent. I've already paid the application fee and have been trying to get this straightened out for a few weeks now. I'm starting to get impatient and not sure which of the 2 parties is jerking me around. any one experience anything similar?
I don't do well with test either, something that was told to me when I had trouble, with my medic test, do they want me to think as a medic or a basic and what answer were they looking for. A friend told me to look at it as a counting test if they give you 1,2,3 they are looking for 4,5 not 8,9. On questions that I was not sure of the answer I remembered this and it did work for me I finally passed. give it a thought and a try, Good luck don't give up yes you paid allot to get to where you are.
Thanks Medicjim702 I will keep that in mind! And Asclepius92 dont worry ask anything i dont mind I will try that out also. To try to answer your question..... When i signed up i had to wait for the verification stuff to go through for my school completion and the state practical. Once that is done you should be able to pick a date. If the both are done that does seem strange.
According to the program director for the organization that instructed the course, he's verified that i did the psychomotor exam as well as completed a course but the NREMT website says both still need to be completed. im just gunna have to contact the people at NREMT again and see what the issue is.
Yeah I would give them a call. Hopefully they figure the problem out!