I used to work at protrans and I will say it all depends where you plan on working!
bay area you will have no issue getting hours, but also as a probie you CAN be called to come in 2 hours before a shift. it doesn't happen very often but it is possible. There is a very high turn over rate which is why the hours available fluctuate. When the bid first starts (3x a year) and depending on the station you may be hard pressed to find hours.
Everything is seniority based for bidding, then it breaks down to if youre ft/pt. I have seen people let go because they had to pick up a second job (due to lack of hours in Sacramento) and couldn't work at pro because they had obligations with their FT job. Usually scheduling will work with you if youre up front, and depending what kind of mood their in.
The USED to play favorites when it came to scheduling people, but my understanding is this has changed.
The call bonus that was posted above is correct except its 0-520, 521-1040, 1040+ ect except grave bonus differential is $5 per call after 80 hours of work. and you will also get $5 for running a CCT call. hourly wage also increases with the above schedule (and it goes a bit further but I don't recall the break down after 1040)
I have personally never had an issue not getting my call bonus and it is very easy to keep track of, especially once you get off probation and start racking up the $$
As far as working for them, the less you care about how youre treated the more likely you are to last. the people who make it the long haul don't make a big stink about being held over 2 hours past their off time to run a long distance, or do whatever management says with a smile on your face because I know once they don't like you they will go above and beyond to get rid of you.
just go in, do your work, be careful what you say and who you talk to and youll be fine. People do become friends with coworkers, and that's fine but beware because word gets around.
if you have specific questions let me know. I worked there almost 2 years and it was mostly a good experience, but HAVING experience told me it was time to get out of there. They like to have brand new EMTs who don't know any better because they are truly out for themselves and care very little about you as an individual.
experience is experience, I wouldn't plan on getting comfortable and working at any IFT for the long haul, IMO.