NorCal Ambulance Age Requirement?


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So I have an interview with NorCal Ambulance this coming Thursday and I looked everywhere on their application and website and there is no mention of an age requirement. As I am only 19 I have very limited options and am holping this could be one. I was wondering if anyone knows the answer haha. Any help would be appreciated.
If they gave you an interview after having reviewed your application, you're probably good to go. A number of the ambulance companies in the Bay, mine included, will employ those under 21 provided you have a clean driving record. It's really all to do with how much it'd cost to insure you.
I do have a clean driving record, but I am not applying for the Bay area. It's in the Sacramento Division, Lodi station, so do you think that would make a difference?
And thanks dude. :D
Welp, they called me back today at my dead end job and told me they are canceling the interview because they barely found out my age. Does anyone possibly know any companies that will hire 18+ in the San Joaquin County?
no. you might be able to try falck in sacramento. i know of someone who works there and only 20
Welp, they called me back today at my dead end job and told me they are canceling the interview because they barely found out my age. Does anyone possibly know any companies that will hire 18+ in the San Joaquin County?
Try AMR.
Thank you guys for all the help, I'm off for more job huntin'.
If you're willing to commute, I know Westmed (there's AlCo and SCCo stations) and Rural/Metro IFT will both hire < 21 yo. What a screw-up on their end for giving you an interview and then bothering to check the age, lol.
Like someone said if your willing to commute theres lots of places hiring, if you look at rural metro they only put up that they are hiring for milpitas but you can work out of hayward or concord too. Milpitas is just the main ift station.
Wow. I have worked for this company for sixth months now. It has been a terrible experience. I just put in my two weeks' notice. Number one, the patient care with this company is god-awful. They hire some of the rudest individuals I've ever met. Many of my coworkers brag about how they haven't taken a set of vital signs on a single patient in months. THEY BRAG ABOUT THAT! They can't perform the basic lifesaving functions of an EMT. Once hired, there is no further skills training or review. No one cares about the patients and everyone is ok with doing a half-rate job. As someone that has wanted to work in EMS all my life, it's enough to make you sick. I would never let them touch someone I loved. I have seen partners of mine neglect and mock patients on multiple occasions. Secondly, they jerk you around as an employee. I can't count the amount of times they would sneak me out to the schedule for a shift the day before the shift with no notice. It's more common that my paycheck is messed up in some form or another than it shows up correct and on time. They either leave out shifts, don't send me a pay check at all, or it's late. What's worse is the fact that I when I've called them to correct the problem, they blatantly lie to cover up their mistakes after bouncing me around on the phone and hanging up on me several times. Thirdly, they ask us to perform ILLEGAL acts that are out of our scope of practice. I have been instructed on multiple occasions that, in the case of a patient passing away while in our care with a DNR, we are to continue driving to destination, remove the patient from our gurney and put them in a bed at destination, and then notify someone that our patient has died. This way it is not "our problem". The corners this company will cut to make money are scary. This company should not be allowed to function as an EMS entity. I'd be amazed if they haven't been responsible for at least one patient's death.
Wow. I have worked for this company for sixth months now. It has been a terrible experience. I just put in my two weeks' notice. Number one, the patient care with this company is god-awful. They hire some of the rudest individuals I've ever met. Many of my coworkers brag about how they haven't taken a set of vital signs on a single patient in months. THEY BRAG ABOUT THAT! They can't perform the basic lifesaving functions of an EMT. Once hired, there is no further skills training or review. No one cares about the patients and everyone is ok with doing a half-rate job. As someone that has wanted to work in EMS all my life, it's enough to make you sick. I would never let them touch someone I loved. I have seen partners of mine neglect and mock patients on multiple occasions. Secondly, they jerk you around as an employee. I can't count the amount of times they would sneak me out to the schedule for a shift the day before the shift with no notice. It's more common that my paycheck is messed up in some form or another than it shows up correct and on time. They either leave out shifts, don't send me a pay check at all, or it's late. What's worse is the fact that I when I've called them to correct the problem, they blatantly lie to cover up their mistakes after bouncing me around on the phone and hanging up on me several times. Thirdly, they ask us to perform ILLEGAL acts that are out of our scope of practice. I have been instructed on multiple occasions that, in the case of a patient passing away while in our care with a DNR, we are to continue driving to destination, remove the patient from our gurney and put them in a bed at destination, and then notify someone that our patient has died. This way it is not "our problem". The corners this company will cut to make money are scary. This company should not be allowed to function as an EMS entity. I'd be amazed if they haven't been responsible for at least one patient's death.
Welcome to IFT
Sounds like a call/email to the LEMSA may be in order if you really think they're that bad...
Actually the thing about dnr patients is a pretty commonly accepted practice. You don't work them in the field, so if you're closer to your destination you just drop tjem off there