Non Litman Scopes
What is the most important part of a steth?? Is it the double tube, or the single tube with tube with two tubes inside, or perhaps the soft rubber ear pieces (it does help!!)? No, the the single most important part would have to be the part between the ears!!
As Rid said, no point in listening if you don't know what you are listening for. One would be able to say if there is something "wrong" only if you know what "right" sounds like...
Hence it is of great importance to auscultate the chest (and other regions) of every single patient you treat, in order to build your own database, otherwise it is best left to the specialists.
To get back to the question at hand, yes, i think we have all used a non Litman steth. Litman is a quality product and is known world wide, but there are others too. If you have the money to purchase one then do so, otherwise, the good old nurses steth, at the fraction of the price, would do. Remember two important aspects: a steth is a personal piece of equipment (You would not want someone else to use it) and that expensive equipment often finds its way into someone elses kitbag...