perspective as always
To do otherwise creates a special class. A more protected class of the citizenry
I hate to be the one to point this out, but there is such an abundance of special classes in US society (or any society for that matter) that attempting to eliminate it is a fools errand. In Fact I think it was the rally cry of communism, which didn't really eliminate a special class, just rearranged who was special.
Entertainment celebrities, politicians, sports figures, and a host of others are all protected classes. The tirck is to get into one of these protected species, not be Joe Average.
Having said that, and addressing the Police, EMS, Fire, Doctor, Nurse class, since the original tribal medicine men, medical persons and by extension healthcare workers have been considered a special class. It has not been until recently (the last 100 or so years) that the status of a "healer" has been diminished. Even then only in certain societies, not as a general rule.
As well, "An attack on the King's soldiers represents an attack on the King." While humans have largely moved on from monarchy and feudalism, a functionng society (which is important if Joe Average hopes to survive to reporduce) requires that the enforcers of sociological rules and values have the ability to police such. Otherwise a population degrades into anarchy. Which most average people would not survive in. The inefficency and often impossibility of "everyman for himself" is what lead to family units and by extension, communities and nations and our very modern values.
Without rules of society, there are no womens rights, racial equality, some semblence of social equality, or anything of the sort. The only right becomes "might is right." I know you don't want to live in such an environment. If you do, Somalia, Pakistan, or Afghanistan (and a few other places) may suit you better.
Having gone through this explanation, an attack on a uniformed officer (of any kind) is a direct assault to the order of society (notice I didn't say rules, which are more like guidlines
) It is a threat to not only public safety, but our very way of life. In most nations, the state hasmonopoly control on violence. In the US, great pains are taken to resist this monopoly in such measures as indiidual right to bear arms, castle laws, duty to not retreat, etc. It empowers Joe Average to defend himself on a primal level prior to or in the event law enforcement cannot respond in time. It doesn't provide protection, it simply maintains your ability to use violence against violence so you or those in your circle might survive to reproduce. When you look at armed insurrection around the world and through history, you can see why governments (aka protected class) fear not controlling the violence monopoly.
If you are willing to knowingly attack those who make it possible for people to live without constant threat, the response needs to be harsher than a crime of opportunity. Otherwise there is nothing that stops the strong from preying on the weak. Basically the unity of society backs the will to maintain it in the form of civil authorities.
A crime against a healthcare worker, in many places is considered a greater offense, perhaps legally, but often more morally and socially, because such is an attack on the very survival of the species as well as survival of the at risk or compromised individual.
A person willing to sacrifice their own very peace or survival for their impulsive urges or greed is a threat to all of humanity.