NH and maybe all national registry states? are changing thier EMT basic to a EMT and and EMT-I's will now be known as EMT-Advanced. I believe EMT-I's will be getting IO's what else is changing in thier protocols? I have looked it up by i cannot find it.<_<
I think what your referring to is the National EMS Scope of Practice that many States are preparing to adopt or model after. In Pennsylvania, they recently did a complete overhaul of the EMS Act and included the new provider level of Advanced-EMT. The title "Advanced-EMT" comes direct from the National EMS Scope of Practice. If you search google you will be able to find the NEMSSOP document.
The NEMSSOP list what each provider level should be allowed to do. This all comes from an attempt to standardize EMS certifications across the nation and not have six different cert levels in one state all of which cant be used in a neighboring state. This standardization is a great thing.
From Fragmentation to Unity
How to make the transition to the national EMS scope of practice model
William E. Brown Jr
September 2008 JEMS Vol. 33 No. 9