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I passed my national registry yesterday
now I dont know how to get started

on the site it asks me if I want to affiliate with an agency do I do that??

when can I start applying??
You can't affiliate with an agency until you... well... are affiliated with an agency. Once you get your NREMT card you need to go get your state license. Then you can start applying to companies, however a lot of companies are going to ask for copies of things like your driving record. Look through the documents that your local companies want from applicants and make copies of those documents. Even hand in documents to companies that you apply to who aren't asking for the copies up front.
It all depends on what State you reside in. If you have some volly stations in your area, you can opt to join one of them to get started. But definitely apply to your State and do whatever process they require to be able to function as an EMT there (unless they directly recognize NREMT).
1. make copies of your driver's license, certification card, etc
2. get your state license
3. try starting with a volunteer squad. many agencies for hire ask for experience.
4. if possible, get some CE. it always looks good to be enrolled in a class. take the next steps toward a higher certification. already a paramedic? do PHTLS, cardiac, infant, EVOC, swift water, extrication, etc
5. talk to your instructor. she/he will probably know ways to get you connected.

Im out here in california around san fernando valley

do I get my NREMT card through the mail??

and after that I get my state card?? where do I go to get my state card?
Im out here in california around san fernando valley

do I get my NREMT card through the mail??

and after that I get my state card?? where do I go to get my state card?

I'm at this step as well ediron, and since we live in the lovely state of CA, there is no state certification card (at least how i'm understanding it thus far) rather there are certifications by county which run from 40-60 bucks to attain. After you have the certification for the county to which you want to work, you can then apply with companies within that county, if you're like me and want to apply everywhere within a 2 hour drive radius, you're looking at several county exams in order to hope for a position with one of the companies you apply.

Good Luck!!!!
Since you're in Los Angeles County, LA County will be your licensing agency (California issues licenses through the Local EMS Agency for EMT-1/EMT-B certification). You can work in any county regardless of which county licensed you, however many counties require a local accreditation or additional certification beyond EMT-B/EMT-1 to work in that county.
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I'm at this step as well ediron, and since we live in the lovely state of CA, there is no state certification card (at least how i'm understanding it thus far) rather there are certifications by county which run from 40-60 bucks to attain. After you have the certification for the county to which you want to work, you can then apply with companies within that county, if you're like me and want to apply everywhere within a 2 hour drive radius, you're looking at several county exams in order to hope for a position with one of the companies you apply.

Good Luck!!!!

I wanna work for LA county, dont want to drive out too far
and where do I get these certifications??
Well you have to go to the County Health/EMS office where you want to work in, each country requires their seperate Certifcations/requirement to work in. Depending on what county u work in, you have to fill different types of paperwork

Generally paperwork conisits of the following:
1) County EMS/Cert application
2) A copy of ur NREMT Card
3) LiveScan Fingerprinting paperwork (Fingerprinting is done at a local Police station)
4) and usually a $40-$60 Fee

now a few companies might require your Ambulance licence which is a diffent beast
if you want u can PM me for more info