New Tampa FL EMT Here;


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Hi all, I am new to the site and semi-new to the EMS field. I was a First Responder for a good 6-7 months then went to Hillsborough Community College to get my EMT. I have applied at my local Hospitals and even some private ambulance companies. I will admit I did ignore two ambulance compies by the names of AMR and Americare as their pay is really low and I have heard nightmares.

Being new to the EMS/EMT scene, what are some things I should know and could anyone give me any advice as to where are some good places I can app at to be apart of a good team.

Thank you!
Welcome to the party. :)

Im not from the Florida area but there are a few who could point you in the right direction
I hope so im still a bit lost and if there are any agencies who are hiring EMT's and sponsoring them to fire academy let me know im willing to go ANYWHERE in the U.S.
The last I heard, NOFD is still looking for Basics, Medics, and those interested in the Fire Service. You will need to pass some entrance exams, but they are worth looking into if you are interested in New Orleans. I understand they will sponsor you the fire academy.

PS. Nice to meet you.
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Hey thx!

hey absolutely! Thanks for the quick reply! How do I start looking into them? Do they have a link and do I contact a recruiter?
hahaha sweet thanks CAOX but im not a firefighter yet I only got my EMT
hey absolutely! Thanks for the quick reply! How do I start looking into them? Do they have a link and do I contact a recruiter?

If you are interested in New Orleans Fire Department , here is the link to their recruitment home page. There is information on what to bring, dates, requirements, etc. Hope this helps.

Awsome, I wonder if they have any sort of accomodations for people who are in other states, I cant afford to fly just to fill out an application or take exams hmm... a lot of people have been mentioning new orleans is that because they need people due to the Hurricane?
You hear anything back from the companies you applied to? Also, would you mind listing who you applied to? I'll be moving back down there when I get done with my class here (June or so) and will be applying to them too. TIA
Have you applied at Sunstar?



Sunstar makes it very very clear that you are nothing more than a robot to them.. run a call run a call run a call run a call.. they dont care if you eat, they dont care if you have to pee, you're there to run a call.
the pay is horrible... the benefits are laughable, and they will trap you into staying there if you sign a retention bonus. They will tell you that you are expendable, and if you dont do what they tell you when they tell you, they can fire you and hire someone new in a minute for a dollar less an hour. The turnover is insane. EMT's there are nothing more than drivers, they are NOT allowed to attend on ANY patient, no matter how basic of a patient they are. The fire depts there also treat sunstar like the scum of the earth.

I was there a little over a year, and hands down, it was the WORST EMS experience I've ever had. I left despite breaking a 2 year contract, and I am stuck owing them 5000 bucks in retention and sign on bonuses... and if I knew now, what I knew then, I would have rather gone unemployed than worked there.


Sunstar makes it very very clear that you are nothing more than a robot to them.. run a call run a call run a call run a call.. they dont care if you eat, they dont care if you have to pee, you're there to run a call.
the pay is horrible... the benefits are laughable, and they will trap you into staying there if you sign a retention bonus. They will tell you that you are expendable, and if you dont do what they tell you when they tell you, they can fire you and hire someone new in a minute for a dollar less an hour. The turnover is insane. EMT's there are nothing more than drivers, they are NOT allowed to attend on ANY patient, no matter how basic of a patient they are. The fire depts there also treat sunstar like the scum of the earth.

I was there a little over a year, and hands down, it was the WORST EMS experience I've ever had. I left despite breaking a 2 year contract, and I am stuck owing them 5000 bucks in retention and sign on bonuses... and if I knew now, what I knew then, I would have rather gone unemployed than worked there.
I've never worked for Sunstar but I live in Pinellas county, so I am very familier with them and mostly everything you said is spot-on(although from what I've seen Sunstar and the FDs have a working relationship for the most part.) Their EMTs are really nothing more than expendable ambulance drivers, although some Medics will let EMTs do 12-leads, ect. if they develop a comfort level with you.

But with that said they have a pretty decent call volume, although it's mostly BS as we have a very high geriatric population. The very high turnover rate combined with an annual call volume of 150-200k makes it fairly easy to get hired on. I'm not a huge fan of Sunstar and could go on and on about the politics and hearsay I've heard from their employees/ex-employees, but at the end of the day it isn't too bad of a place for a new EMT to try to gain experience.
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I've never worked for Sunstar but I live in Pinellas county, so I am very familier with them and mostly everything you said is spot-on(although from what I've seen Sunstar and the FDs have a working relationship for the most part.) Their EMTs are really nothing more than expendable ambulance drivers, although some Medics will let EMTs do 12-leads, ect. if they develop a comfort level with you.

But with that said they have a pretty decent call volume, although it's mostly BS as we have a very high geriatric population. The very high turnover rate combined with an annual call volume of 150-200k makes it fairly easy to get hired on. I'm not a huge fan of Sunstar and could go on and on about the politics and hearsay I've heard from their employees/ex-employees, but at the end of the day it isn't too bad of a place for a new EMT to try to gain experience.

I'll give you that... if you're new and looking for experience.. sunstar is better than nothing.. but DO NOT accept their sign on or retention bonuses NO MATTER WHAT. Also, always be looking for another job, anything, other than sunstar. ANYTHING.