New EMT-B advice?


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Hi! I recently passed my National Certification test and I'm eagerly looking for a new job. I'm more excited than anything to start working and providing the best care possible for anyone who needs it. However, I've also recently found that finding a job is harder than expected. Especially in the Phoenix, AZ area. I've applied to every job opening I've seen; unfortunately the majority of job listings want experienced people. I'm willing to learn, and I also understand that there is a vast majority of EMT-B's out there. Any advice from veteran/experienced EMT/Paramedics would be greatly appreciated! I am exuberant to recieve any advice! Thanks for any help! :)
Keep your head up and apply everywhere you can.
Persistance, Persistance, Persistance!!! Also be sure that you apply everywhere you can. If you don't apply to just 1 you could miss your big chance. Also don't be afraid to volunteer at your local volunteer EMS/Fire station. Its a great way to gain some experience and to network and get noticed. I am not sure what AZ is like but in PA., we have a lot of companies that do very few 911's and a lot if not all interfacility transports, and they will usually hire the new EMT with no experience. Its not where anyone wants to be, but we all earned our stripes. Plus its also yet another way to network, and gain that needed experience.

Be sure when submitting your resume, that you have a good cover letter. A lot of HR people never get past a crappy one. Be sure to explain that your a new EMT with a desire to build on your education. Also be sure to explain briefly experience from your past career that will help you in your new one.

Its tough breaking into EMS when your new and don't know people. But be persistant, and don't give up and you'll get that call.
show your face everywhere, and dress to impress. I applied around 12 places in san diego before I got hired, and I took the first job offered, maybe not the place I wanted but its experience.
I've just recently had luck. I just blanketed the area with applications and my resume. Just know that the more you put yourself out there, the better your chances. Best of luck!