New EMS-er...a few questions


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That sounded entirely too enthusiastic for this time of night. Anywho - names Matt, knew to this forum, and figured it would be as good a place as any to ask my generally ignored questions.

Firstly, a little about me. 24, currently employed as an EVO - emergency vehicle operator. Plain language = I drive the ambulance; private company, so mostly transport around town, every know and again you get to go up to Philly or to Balitmore, sometimes code, usually just routine.

I'm interested in pursuing a career in EMS but everywhere I've looked for employment - my company included - wants only to fire you if you already have taken the class and have experience. So I ask, drawing on the wealth of experience here...where can a non-EMT go for a full-time job that will give him the class and make him an EMT?

I know when I was in law enforcement, they sent us to the academy. THEN we went to work.

Any ideas? I'm pretty much able to move anywhere. (currently in the middle of Delaware)

Thanks a lot in advance
I guess I'm referring to like entry-level EMS that will train you.
Only time I've heard of that is in volunteer services on the east coast. Around here, you get yourself through class, then, you try to get hired.
Same here, people certified EMT-B's are a dime a dozen so there's not many companies willing to fork out the cash to put you through school when they can go hire someone else. If you get a job as a Basic and want to move up to Medic at the same company they may be willing to work with you a little more.
So I have to find a way to get my EMT before I can get a job.....interesting
Yeah, since EMT-B is entry level you "normally" have to obtain the training yourself then seek employment afterward. Most EMT classes don't required you to be "sponsored" or anything and have open-enrollment (Aside from some fire-dept that have a class for their firefighters).

The only time I have ever seen students put through a program that is paid by an employer are factories and casinos.
I know Pittsburgh EMS used to have a program in which they were hiring EMTs and paying for their medic class. I also heard something about them even hiring non-EMTs and paying for EMT training, but I don't know how accurate it is and if still exists.
So I have to find a way to get my EMT before I can get a job.....interesting

Most community colleges offer the EMT-B course. Try checking around with them, shouldn't be too hard to find one.

I am a wilderness certified EMT-B. We have a volunteer service in Brooks Maine. We pay for training and there are plenty of paid services in the area to work at full time as long as you give 2 years service to the volunteer company. My service is going to pay for my intermediate class and I have an option for a medic class paid for by the company. All they ask is for an active commitment for x amount of years pending the level of training they pay for. Most services pay for training in Maine. Good luck
Do you live in Maryland?

If so find a volunteer station and join. You can join without being an EMT. Once voted in you can sign up to take the EMT-B class for free through MFRI.

That is if you live in MD. Not sure about the surrounding states.

Here is a link of what I am talking about....
FD's in Michigan will also hire you, and provide EMT, FF, and medic training. In my area you can be hired paid per call prior to training, not full time (requires medic).
i dont live in md - - just acros the chessepeake. Delaware.

I'm thinking about moving - where I can get that will sponsor me/hire me. I've officially made the decision to leave law enforcement - period.