New Employees Training Manuals


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Does anyone know where I can can a New Employee Orientation training guideline manual? I'm looking for a policy that I can use to Orientation, training new hires into the service. EMT-B, EMT-I and EMT-P
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We need a little more information. Each service would have a different orientation process.
New hire

I'm looking for a policy that I can use to Orientation, training new hires into the service. EMT-B, EMT-I and EMT-P
Are you trying to create a policy from scratch or modify/change one? What type of service is it?
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policy from scratch

You could try asking other services in your area if they wouldnt mind you taking a look at theirs. I am sure some services have this type of info online if you do a bit od Google searching. Without knowing more about your service it is hard to recommend what would be useful for you.
My company's policies are not to be disseminated to any non-employee. You may find the same for many others, just companies trying to protect themselves from all angles, real or other.
Does anyone know where I can can a New Employee Orientation training guideline manual? I'm looking for a policy that I can use to Orientation, training new hires into the service. EMT-B, EMT-I and EMT-P

What is your role within the organization? What type of organization (Private, municipal, third service, fire, hospital, etc.)? Who is teaching or coordinating the organization? Are many of your new hires new to EMS?

Are you looking for corporate policies? OSHA regulations? Field Training and preceptor ship information?
What resources do you have?
How many weeks can you afford to have the new employees in a classroom?
What sort of on-truck mentorship do you want to provide? How many months?
Are these EMTs or paramedics?
How many at a time?
How many and what type of research projects do you have to orient them to?
Are there any unique protocols or pieces of equipment in your service?
Do you plan to recert ACLS, PALS, NRP ITLS, etc. during the orientation?
Driving course?
I would like for most of the training to be in the field with a field training officer the amount of hours, days, weeks or months will depend on the the individual and his/her work history experience. Recert courses will be held on a monthly basic, that I wouldnt want to include in the new hire training. What i dont want for all my FTO been on different pages in training the new hires. I no longer wanted 6 FTO doing and saying 6 different things.
my role in Crew Chief / training officer (duel roles at this time) we are a county base service with a staff of 61. yes some of the new hire, will be new EMTs
Sounds like you need to qualify your FTO's and not new hires. Get all your FTO's on the same page. Have check off's for new employees to complete, make it the new employees responsible for thier own orientation
that is true, but as managers, we have to give them the tools that they will need to do their jobs as FTOs.