Needing To Share This


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Some of you may believe this. Some of you may not. If you do, great. If you don't, that's fine as well.

Brief history, please bare with me if this is redundant. In my healings from my crash where I suffered a C2 Fx requiring a HALO, and an L3 Fracture requiring a vertebrectomy, ant/post fixation/fusion and 8 months relearning how to walk and regain enough strength to go back to work, I've come to realize 3 philosophies. I think it especially rings true after the loss of 3 of my best friend's partners.

1. It ain't the dawg in the fight, it's the fight in the dawg.

2. Your calling does not change despite a life altering experience that comes close to ending your calling. In my case it came 1, maybe 2 microns.

3. Intercessory prayer does, in fact, work.

What is my evidence for professing these philosophies? Simple. The 5K running shirt I aquired after running it in 30 minutes. It's red. It breathes comfortably. And it fits nicely. It's rather nice.

Just something I need to share.

Thank you. Ya'll have a good one.
Well said Mike. As the saying goes in regards to #3: "There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole."
Amazing testimony comes from amazing people; I'll never do a 5K again without thinking of how lucky I've been to never have an experience like yours. Best wishes on your continuing recovery.
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Well said Mike. As the saying goes in regards to #3: "There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole."

I wasn't gonna comment until this drivel appeared.

Kudos to you and your recovery, but I can attest there are indeed atheists in the foxhole. Been there, done that and there is no reason for my personal beliefs or non beliefs to change simply because of external circumstances. Those beliefs/positions are not dispelled at the drop of a hat.
there is no reason for my personal beliefs or non beliefs to change simply because of external circumstances.
Actually, that's exactly how I became an atheist in the first place (not a foxhole, but the back of an ambulance)....that said, I apologize for my comment if it offended you AK or anyone else for that matter.
1. It ain't the dawg in the fight, it's the fight in the dawg.

2. Your calling does not change despite a life altering experience that comes close to ending your calling. In my case it came 1, maybe 2 microns.

3. Intercessory prayer does, in fact, work.

That's actually one of the things I like most about this site. It makes it evident that it just doesn't take one or a couple of "types" to do this work. There are many different motivations people come up with that provides them the fuel to stick with it and do a lot of good in the process.

Thank The Great Whatever you are (and were!) put together the way you were! You're the only being on the planet that could turn that tragedy into the kind of inspiration you're helping it become. Damn good work; turning shadow into light!
And now it's "The Dawg on the FLIGHT!".

I think the atheist/foxhole thing is sort of like the five second rule and the Pirates' Code; "More like a guideline than a law, per se".
What a great post! Congrats on running the 5K after those injuries. It sounds like your road to recovery has been one with lots of positive things to be proud of!