Need suggestions for recertifying EMT-B online for CA (+ National Reg)


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My CA EMT just expired and I'm not currently professionally active (so no company to pick up the bill or re-cert me in house). I work full time and live in a rural area so there's not really a good option for in-person re-certing. I know some of you have re-certed online in the past, can anyone suggest any programs?

Also, my NREMT expired. :) While my volunteer FD may not care, I want to keep it active. I've re-certed state before, but never NR. How do I go about doing this? Do I just need to go take the written test again?

Thanks folks.
I've recertified with the NREMT by exam, but mine wasnt expired at the time, and I was affiliated with an agency at the time and had to have an I/O with my agency sign off on my practical skills. It was more involved than I thought it would be and went beyond simply retaking the computer exam.

Not sure what to do if your NREMT is expired. I've always been told re acquiring NREMT certification once its expired is only slightly easier than raising the dead.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I'm less worried about getting signed off on NR practical skills as I've always done those as part of the state re-cert (I'd image I'd need to travel to an in-person location to re-do those for an afternoon).

I've spent some time researching re-certing nation reg (I'd assume there's a grace period as per the state cert, but I'm not sure) and it's really unclear, thus my hope that somewhere here has experience.

I actually went and checked out NREMT's FAQ (fancy that) and discovered it may not be too bad to re-cert NREMT after all. Looks like all I need to do is re-do the refresher? I'd have to do that anyway for CA.

Not sure what "state approved" means exactly, I'm assuming it'd be the same course I'd need to re-cert CA.

At any rate, good news I think. Does anyone have any online refresher course suggestions? For those who re-did their certs online, how did you deal w/ the practical section? Thanks!!!