National Registry Exam


Forum Ride Along
I just took my EMT-B, National Registry Exam; unfortunately, I did not pass 3 of my practicals. Medical, Apneic, and AED. I was so nervous I could just feel the sweat on my back. Alot of the time most people when they fail that much they would say to heck with that. For some reason, I feel more confident now about retesting than I taking it for the first time. I am going to retest after I hook up with my instructor about remedial skills. Anyway, I have always had that problem, I can not think of any test including my driver’s license test that I have not had to take at least twice. My theory is, I get so nervous I draw a blank because I do not know what to expect, then when I retest I feel more confident because I know what to expect. I feel 100% positive that I will pass the next time around. My question is, which I am sure is probably a dumb one, does anyone else have the problem or has anyone gone through the same thing and eventually past the practicals?


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(Moved to appropriate forum.)

I know a lot of people that have had this same problem. Most of them just need to relax and trust their instincts and stop second guessing themselves.


Useless without caffeine
southerngal said:
My question is, which I am sure is probably a dumb one, does anyone else have the problem or has anyone gone through the same thing and eventually past the practicals?

Oh sure, it happens to a lot of folks. Did you study with the NR skill sheets? If they're different than the skill sheets that you have, then download them and read them. Practice with a friend/family member/pillow/homeless guy/whoever. Just practice them as much as you can until you can recite the steps in your sleep. And THEN go for the practicals.

And don't worry about the proctors. They're not going to whack you with a newspaper or anything, even if they look like it. They know that people get nervous. It happens. All you can do is try and try again. Oh, and study everything - a lot.

Did you take the written part yet?


Forum Lieutenant
fm_emt said:
Practice with a friend/family member/pillow/homeless guy/whoever.

I thought the "politically correct" term was "urban outdoorsman?"

But yeah - I got really nervous. Especially with medical. A girlfriend of mine helped me with trauma too - I always got it confused with medical. She started with the "first 5 steps" which is the top portion of the page. -BSI -Scene Safe -Call ALS (if you're a basic) -Number of Patients -MOI/NOI. She drilled that into me, and then the next part, and so on until she could text message me at the butt-crack of dawn and I could text her back telling her the first 5 things. It worked.