I guess I can claim Team Narcan on this one.
I still think that a known overdose of one drug suggests a possible overdose of another. It isn't a stretch for someone to also OD on an opiate, but the pontine hemorrhage or a small meteor is a little more remote. Narcan in the appropriate doses is likely to be harmless, and if it works, then even better - you've avoided a tube (at least temporarily).
Anyhow, the problem with naloxone be can overcome with a larger dose of an opiate as naloxone is a competitive antagonist. Considering the massive doses of fentanyl that can be given, I don't think a dose 2-3 times higher than usual will cause many problems in the intubated, non-trauma patient.
I still think that a known overdose of one drug suggests a possible overdose of another. It isn't a stretch for someone to also OD on an opiate, but the pontine hemorrhage or a small meteor is a little more remote. Narcan in the appropriate doses is likely to be harmless, and if it works, then even better - you've avoided a tube (at least temporarily).
Anyhow, the problem with naloxone be can overcome with a larger dose of an opiate as naloxone is a competitive antagonist. Considering the massive doses of fentanyl that can be given, I don't think a dose 2-3 times higher than usual will cause many problems in the intubated, non-trauma patient.