My dream partner

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No one else want to share:sad:
However, on a serious note, it is amazing how the moderators allow threads that drag EMS into a dark pit but will immediately take action on a thread that just diverts a little off topic to explain a point that came up but didn't need a whole new thread started.

Of course the other thread Ambulance=Mobile love shack? will also probably be allowed to continue and the comments will dwindle down to a level of immaturity that only some in EMS can take it.
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However, on a serious note, it is amazing how the moderators allow threads that drag EMS into a dark pit but will immediately take action on a thread that just diverts a little off topic to explain a point that came up but didn't need a whole new thread started.

Of course the other thread Ambulance=Mobile love shack? will also probably be allowed to continue and the comments will dwindle down to a level of immaturity that only some in EMS can take it.

Agreed, I reference my rant in Ambulance=Mobile love shack
If I was a chick I could sort of see it, though I'd probably go for the more muscular type:)
Ok, I normally try to take the high road but I'm going to run my mouth a little. Yes, it might get me in trouble but I really don't care right now.

OP, you seriously need to evaluate why you're trying to get into EMS (assuming you really are). Anyone who gets into EMS to score some tail is a freakin' idiot. I would never, ever, want to be on a truck or even on the same service as someone like you. Grow up. Do you even care about patients or are you just hoping that EMS is some kind of party? Take my advice: Go into another line of work if this is all you care about. Your kind is not needed nor wanted in EMS.
Yeah, the OP emailed me admitting that he was looking to start drama in hopes of being banned. Thread closed, and I'm happy to comply :)
Apparently, our little friend here has a fetish with shaving...

Badger and Blade Forums over 600+ posts on that forum!!! But wait, he's also on several other forums!

In real life, he is a:

What are you in the real world?
Quite a list here: Nurse, Volunteer firefighter, soon to be EMT(for a second time in this life ), Army guardsman, Helicopter maintainer, Dad, and Husband

Lets see what else I can dig up. Oh yeah, he is also from Long Island, NY. Anyone know of any VFD's over there we can contact? His first name is TOM. I'm sure they'd love to see all this.
Currently Long Island, New York. Almost far enough East though that I could swim to Ct. Still a Rhode Islander at heart though.

EDIT: Awww MM! Can I please continue with my digging and let people know who he is? :p
Edit edit: I'm too lazy to go further.
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He was picking a fight with me in the military forum. I'm relieved at this news.
And now... the thread is closed.
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