my arrest yesterday

Originally posted by PArescueEMT+Jun 15 2005, 07:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PArescueEMT @ Jun 15 2005, 07:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-rescuecpt@Jun 14 2005, 10:32 PM
Negitive Erika, only about 6 dept lost the right to do D-sticks due to paperwork issues. They should all be up and running pretty soon.
My buddies (including various Chiefs and Marty M @ County) told me it's a lot more than 6, but you know a lot more than I do because you're a medic and I'm not. :P

PS - I know one dept that won't be up and running until this little miss finds a medical director (not jeanne) to sign paperwork.


You are kidding, right? you are going too give these medics D50, but not a f-ing glucometer?

Has anyone else seen the study on hyperglycemia and CVA? SEVERE negative outcomes with hyperglycemia present.

Jon [/b][/quote]
it's not the county that's not letting them, it's the state. They messed up on their paperwork to use the glucometers and the state pulled their right to act as a "lab" and do d-sticks. As for the whole CVA v. hypoglycemia, when I was learning to become a medic and I rode in NYC, we didn't have glucometers. You had to take a good history and good physical assessment. Don't get me wrong, the glucometer would have helped a lot, but you can get around it if needed.