Multiple job offers, need advice


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Ok, so I've been licensed in TN for about a month now, and in that time I've put in job applications for just about every service and hospital in Memphis. Last week I finally got my first interview with a local service called EMHC. The interview went really well and at the end I accepted an offer of employment full time and took the drug test. Now I'm just waiting for the results of the drug test to come back (it's going to come back positive for my prescription meds and I'll have to then verify that I have a legitimate reason for them to be in my bloodstream) so I can go to orientation this Friday. I'm pretty excited to work for them, but they don't do 911, which is what I really want to do, just transports and special events. Then today, I just got a call from Rural Metro asking me to come in for an interview on Wednesday. I'm really pumped about this one because R/M is primarily a 911/emergency service in this area.

Now, ideally, I'd love to work both jobs, and since I already accepted a full time position at EMHC, I was going to inquire at R/M about maybe working part time with them and full time with EMHC. The problem is, I don't have much experience with job interviews and don't know how to go about this. I guess what I'm asking is should I bring up that I already have a start date with EMHC when I interview with R/M, or just say I've had other offers and see where this interview takes me. Can any of you give me a little advice?

Thanks in advance, guys. I can't even describe how elated I feel at the prospect of actually being an EMT-IV (and not having to work at a restaurant any more).
You're new. One company at a time.
Yeah, good call. I'm just a little ambitious right now I guess. And I posted a similar thing on facebook, turns out one of my classmates just started at EMHC, he told me they don't allow employees to work at another private service.

I'm still going to go to the interview with R/M, see what they're offering, and decide which company has the better offer.
interview for both, if R/M gives you a better offer take it. If they don't, then don't even bring it up.