Mounted EMS


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Does any ones ems company have a mounted team? I would love to hear about how yall operate and what kind of training yall do.
MedStar in Fort Worth has one. They're the only one I know of.
This thread was not about what I thought it was going to be.
Why would you want mounted EMS? Are things not difficult already without having a horse to deal with?
Why would you want mounted EMS? Are things not difficult already without having a horse to deal with?
....and you thought parking an ambulance was a pain in the ***. I don't even want to know where you'd store the backboards or the oxygen cylinders. "Woah Trigger...."
Why would you want mounted EMS? Are things not difficult already without having a horse to deal with?
I could see it if you are in an area with a lot of off road areas or hiking trails.
I guess well tell the patient to hop on.
MedStar in Fort Worth has one. They're the only one I know of.

I work for medstar. Our mounted team is used for rodeos, and parades or parade areas. We will also be using them for an Urban S&R team. How do u know about medstars team.