Mother makes daughter stand on street corner


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Mother forces daughter to stand on street corner due to bad behavior.


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I heard this on the radio this am.

GOOD FOR HER!!! Psychological abuse my butt. At her wits end, the mom got creative and tried something that worked no less. She could have beat her, or ignored her and let her slip away.

Story - Last year, my then 6 year old son, was getting in trouble everyday for starting fights, hitting girls, just being rotten. It culminated with him telling some kids on the bus he was going to kill them with the knife he was bringing to school.
Forget the fact the kids were bigger than him and picking on him...

After our meeting with the *** Principal, my son and I went to the Sheriffs Department. I had a deputy meet me there and he explained to him exactly what happens to people who make threats to kill other people. It ended with him showing my boy the jail cell he could very well end up in if he makes another threat like that again.

We then all 3 sat down and came up with a plan for alternative actions to the boys bullying on the bus.

Was it extreme? Perhaps. But you know, I haven't had another problem with him hitting or threatening again.

Sometimes it takes extreme actions to stop the behavior. So good for that mom.
While Henderson stood next to her daughter at the intersection, a passing motorist called police with a report of psychological abuse, and an Oklahoma City police officer took a report.

the horror! the horror!

Wah, wah. Sounds like the little brat learned a lesson. You screw up, you don't get what you want. End of story.
Great idea! Since we can't beat the tar out of them anymore without it being considered abuse, parents have to do what they can! I think that is the problem with kids these days..........they have no fear due to lack of punishment. When I was a kid, all my father had to do was pretend to undo his belt buckle and I would straighten right up! Parents are too soft on the kids now and they're runnin' amuck shooting up our schools and each other.............. :angry:
It never ceases to amaze me how the touchy-feely crowd will take any chance they get to crush American ingenuity.
Kids these days have it basically made no matter what. In the Commonwealth of Pa, @ the age of 12 your kid can tell you "No, I am not taking any Medications", @ the age of 14 or 16, they can sign forms @ school, stating "You as the Parent is NOT allowed to view their School Records" & @ the age of 17, they can sign themselves out of School permantly & there is not thing 1 you as the Parent can do. Scary thought huh?

Both of my Teenage Kids live with their Mom in the Pgh Pa area & I have been battling the Ex over the years for shared/partial custody. Anyhow, My Daughter (earlier this year) apparently got into an arguement with her Mom & called CYF (Children, Youth & Family Services) on her. All because of a minor disagreement over something, needless to say it turned their household upside down for the next few weeks & nothing was founded true. But it is amazing to how Society has given kids more rights now to "use" againist their parents if need be.
I think it could have been construed as abuse had she left her daughter alone on the corner, but standing with her, no way.
Not abuse, but public humiliation isn't the healithiest....
I think it's borderline. I could see myself doing something drastic if the kids decided to get out of control. All I can hope is that I'm doing the right thing now to prevent that behavior when they're older. If I didn't, well I'd rather humiliate them then get "the call" or see them in jail. It's a lose-lose-maybe win situation.
Originally posted by AnthonyM83@Nov 26 2005, 05:33 PM
Not abuse, but public humiliation isn't the healithiest....
But when the kid was skipping school and letting her grades slide like that she's publicly humiliating the parents. When a teacher gets a student like that they often think -"Why isnt the parents doing more to teach this kid right from wrong?"

I still say the girl deserved it. Again knowing me I would probably do the same thing if my kid got that out of control.

Sad part is you cant discipline kids these days without getting in trouble with the DoH for "abuse" of some sort.

Originally posted by CaptainPanic+Nov 28 2005, 10:52 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CaptainPanic @ Nov 28 2005, 10:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-AnthonyM83@Nov 26 2005, 05:33 PM
Not abuse, but public humiliation isn't the healithiest....
But when the kid was skipping school and letting her grades slide like that she's publicly humiliating the parents. When a teacher gets a student like that they often think -"Why isnt the parents doing more to teach this kid right from wrong?"

I still say the girl deserved it. Again knowing me I would probably do the same thing if my kid got that out of control.

Sad part is you cant discipline kids these days without getting in trouble with the DoH for "abuse" of some sort.

-CP [/b][/quote]
The parents are subjecting her to a bit of humiliation, and rightfully so! The amount of personal degredation she would eventually have to deal with is so much greater than the little dose of reality that mom gave her that it is more than worth the risk of emotional damage. Her ability to make her way in the world will be determined by her parents dedication to her. I was a horrible kid on the way to personal destruction but was able to recover since my parents were willing to be "mean". Never under-estimate the power of a caring parents desperate moves. If she makes it to her early twenties, she is likely to see what her mother was trying to do and will become a productive member of society.
Originally posted by AnthonyM83@Nov 26 2005, 05:33 PM
Not abuse, but public humiliation isn't the healithiest....
Scarlet Letter...
I got to say quite the idea but personally I wouldnt force my kids to do that or go to that extreme. As someone else said, humiliation isnt the answer. And if something would have happened to that girl while standing there the mother prob would have been charged and the sentiment for moms actions would be completely different.

Teen-agers arent the easiest to handle (surprise, surprise) and sometimes it just takes time, patience, and love to see it through. Those who have no kids have no idea.
If you read the article completely you would know that this took place during the day and the mother was standing next to the duaghter.

Plus this was in a well to do neighborhood, not in the bad part of town. <_<
