Mosby vs Brady


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Which do you prefer for Paramedic text?
I know Nancy Carolines books get way too much editing and when the final product is produced it's hard to follow and there for has fallen out with alot of instructors or sp the ones ive spoken to.
Really? Nancy caroline is a great in my opinion. Used Brady for advanced and currently using Nancy caroline for my paramedic. I have liked it much better.
Really? Nancy caroline is a great in my opinion. Used Brady for advanced and currently using Nancy caroline for my paramedic. I have liked it much better.
I've always heard differently. Last one I picked up it was too short lol
To short? how long do you want it to be? My paramedic books is 2000 pages. Yeah there is some fluff pages but still the book is ridiculously big.
To short? how long do you want it to be? My paramedic books is 2000 pages. Yeah there is some fluff pages but still the book is ridiculously big.
From what I recall each subject had a paragraph to it and didn't really go in depth. I'm one of those people that likes to read lol.
Hmm I don't know what Nancy Caroline book you're reading for paramedic but there is much, much more depth in the one we use. Check out Emergency Care in the Streets 7th edition.
Hmm I don't know what Nancy Caroline book you're reading for paramedic but there is much, much more depth in the one we use. Check out Emergency Care in the Streets 7th edition.
Going off memory, I don't know what it was but didn't like it. I'll check out the 7.
I've always heard differently.

There's your problem. Stop asking other people what book is better. Truth is, they aren't better, they are different. Find excerpts online, I'm sure they're available. If it doesn't work for you, try another. Renting is also an option.

Either way it's up to YOU to absorb the information, and independently research and expand on the topics presented in either text. A single book should not be your resource for learning.
There's your problem. Stop asking other people what book is better. Truth is, they aren't better, they are different. Find excerpts online, I'm sure they're available. If it doesn't work for you, try another. Renting is also an option.

Either way it's up to YOU to absorb the information, and independently research and expand on the topics presented in either text. A single book should not be your resource for learning.
Never just one book. That's what the great advantages are of google. Case studys, info galore. I have Brady up the ying yang. Than other titles from other publishers and authors. An older edition of Mosbys which I found to be decent. Just a general census. As for the orange book aka carolines it seems a pretty easy read from the preview text.