Might be wierd to ask, stupid even


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I live in Ma, don't plan on going anywhere soon. So I've heard its pretty hard to get a job around here. I'm hispanic and I speak, read and write fluently in spanish. Did my chances of getting hired just go up?? I know people might think it's unfair or whatever but it happens, atleast with getting accepted into college it happens a lot. But does it happen in EMS?
It's a skill to add to your resume. Depending on your area and the amount of spanish-only speakers it will help.

It won't make up for you being subpar on your skills though. *Not saying you are, just giving an example*

To get a job you need to bring the whole package to the table, the spanish speaking is just the frosting on the cake.
It may help you better target an area that you'd like to work where that would be a huge asset. Just the fact you have the skills does not mean everyone will value them. Go to where that can act as leverage for a better position/salary; go where it's needed. Good luck!
I live in Ma, don't plan on going anywhere soon. So I've heard its pretty hard to get a job around here. I'm hispanic and I speak, read and write fluently in spanish. Did my chances of getting hired just go up?? I know people might think it's unfair or whatever but it happens, atleast with getting accepted into college it happens a lot. But does it happen in EMS?

It's not hard to get a job in the Boston area, it just takes some time. Especially if you are a competent EMT, you just need to apply broadly, be persistent yet respectful when following up and have some patience.

With that said, language skills are sometimes seen as an asset-- but particularly in the Boston area, not necessary. Focus on your central competencies, interview preparation, resume development, etc.
Come to so cal there is always a large demand for those that can speak Spanish fluently.
Thanks for the advice. I was also wondering what to do about my resume, you see before I took EMT classes I've only worked in retail, when I submit my resume should I leave my previous jobs on there even though they are pretty much irrelevant given the current field I want to go into?
It could help, but I don't think it's going to drastically increase your chances.

As for the resume, don't leave those retail jobs out, believe it or not, some employers will like a little bit of a retail background. Working in retail teaches people skills as well as problem solving, both of which are crucial to any good EMT.

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All depends on where you live. Around here, being a minority will help you immensely in the hiring process. Speaking Spanish is always a plus too.
Just a thought, my instructor always says, "The only stupid question is the one never asked."

I disagree, I have heard some pretty stupid questions come out of my classmates' mouths.

This isn't a stupid question that you asked. :)
If it comes down to two candidates that are both brand new no experience basics with everything else being equal I can almost guarantee that being able to speak the second most common language in the US is going to put you ahead of the other guy (or gal).
Just a thought, my instructor always says, "The only stupid question is the one never asked."

I disagree, I have heard some pretty stupid questions come out of my classmates' mouths.

This isn't a stupid question that you asked. :)

I hate when people say that. If that saying is supposed to convey that there are basically no stupid questions as long as it is asked, then you are saying that the questions that are not asked are stupid. Therefor admitting that there are stupid questions. Besides, I could ask a very valid question inside my head and just never say it becasue well, why speak if you don't have to, then my question would be considered stupid by default. So a question is automatically stupid until it is spoken outloud according to that saying. If you think about it my way then that saying is kind of insulting, a question is stupid up until the moment that you ask it and if you don't ask it then it just stays stupid. Why can't people say normal sh*t like "don't be afraid to ask questions." Sorry, just needed to get that out there finally! :).
Hey, thats a thought...I am British and speak PROPER english...would I have a better chance at a job lets say, oh Disney World where a lot of Brits go for holidays? :rofl:
Besides, I could ask a very valid question inside my head and just never say it becasue well, why speak if you don't have to, then my question would be considered stupid by default.

Well if you answered your question yourself, then no it isn't a stupid question. If you never asked and never got an answer then it becomes a stupid question ;)

I'm just messin' with you, I do agree with you.