Michigan: Where are we hiring

Apparently, according first row, middle girl, they wear their hair in their faces.

And ties are a terrible idea. Woohoo, one more thing for your patient to strangle you with!

Shes hawt though
Apparently, according first row, middle girl, they wear their hair in their faces.

And ties are a terrible idea. Woohoo, one more thing for your patient to strangle you with!

Not to mention have it tip accidentally into a puddle of something on the ground.

I'm a big proponent of a more utility uniform. One that you don't mind getting dirty or messed up.

Below is a pic of some random people from our station. I'm not sure who they are, because I think it's a really old picture with members no long with us (I'm fairly new myself), but the uniforms are the same. Dark polo, dark pants, dark boots, shorts optional. Their uniforms are slightly faded, but you get the idea.

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Try calling around. As far as their website says, they're not hiring right now. Medstar has emergency contracts, and you can work on an ALS rig (Basic/Medic).

I hate to say it, but in Michigan you'll find that private EMS is pretty much all the same. If you're looking for the dream EMT-Basic job right now, you're out of luck. Take what you can get and make the most out of it.
Apparently, according first row, middle girl, they wear their hair in their faces.

And ties are a terrible idea. Woohoo, one more thing for your patient to strangle you with!
They won't strangle you if you wear a clip on.
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Again, tons of opportunities in the West. Sometimes you have to be flexible.

People need to stop suggesting there's nothing in Michigan though. They're honestly dying for both EMTs and medics over here. I'm not kidding. Working on Medic/Basic truck for 12 hour shifts, making an average of 6-9 calls in a shift. 14 on the high end, 2 on the low. Emergency 911 calls, and transfers. No wheelchair transfers.
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There are no full-time openings at HVA for basics or medics, they are hiring part-time though.

I would stay away from Rapid Response and Medic One.

Star and Alliance are both solid companies with good reputations. Community EMS is always hiring, and has been around a long time. Concord EMS is okay, and may be. Healthlink is okay, but isn't hiring full-time basics.

Private EMS in Wayne County isn't the greatest, but with your experience you'll do fine.
whats wrong with rapid response?

when i did my clinicals on an ambulance and rode with concord. the problem theyre having is that the economy is hurting all the private ems services, but i know concord specifically has lot alot of their benefits to employees and im sure it's getting worse.

its really hard to be picky right now for me, if one can get a job anywhere its worth taking and being patient with it for a little bit. and keep look out on whats going on with the other companies. and if the one theyre with is treating them poorly and have an opportunity with another, take it.
Does Superior Ambulance wear ties?!?!


Yes, they do.
I got mail awhile back asking me to apply to their company. I thought it was a joke.
whats wrong with rapid response?

when i did my clinicals on an ambulance and rode with concord. the problem theyre having is that the economy is hurting all the private ems services, but i know concord specifically has lot alot of their benefits to employees and im sure it's getting worse.

its really hard to be picky right now for me, if one can get a job anywhere its worth taking and being patient with it for a little bit. and keep look out on whats going on with the other companies. and if the one theyre with is treating them poorly and have an opportunity with another, take it.

They aren't hiring. Thats whats wrong with them

If you're going to Oakland County I'd check out Star EMS, Alliance Mobile Health, Community EMS, and Superior Ambulance.

It also looks like Huron Valley Ambulance, Jackson County Ambulance, and LCA Adrian are hiring EMT-Basics.

Having worked for Community EMS, I can tell you that unless they've done a complete reversal on their business plan and employee retention theories, it's only a 'stepping stone company' for EMT-B.

Granted, they have LSTI, and I'm sure that there's still a employee education reimbursement program in place, there's a high turnover of EMT-B's at that company.

The major 'problem' that I find with Community is that they force you to accept anything they hand down. If you DARE to disagree, or avail yourself of the grievance process, you WILL lose, and in that case you can NEVER work for Community EMS or it's subsidaries again! (This includes Regional EMS (Flint), Oakland EMS and others)
I hear HVA is quite the experience.

And by that, I mean being written up if you're wearing a long sleeved uniform shirt on a warm day.

What say you?

I would say I've heard similar. HVA and their subsidiaries are very paramilitary-like. I'm not sure that it's entirely a bad thing, though. Their staff and trucks almost always look sharp, they have top notch training opportunities, and have great opportunities for special teams (tactical, USAR, haz-mat, special events/bike).
Anyone know any hospitals hiring for ER Techs? Pays pretty good I heard
Henry Ford?

At least its not the other one :D
I'm really lost as to your approach to finding an EMT job. Post and google all you want, but if I were looking for an EMT-Basic job I'd be calling every place I can.

In Michigan you have a chance getting a job on an ambulance, as an ER-Tech, and also at a doctors office or clinic. Put this long thread to rest, pick up the phone, and start talking to the people that actually have an answer.
I believe he is more set an making sure whichever places he applies to are quality agencies, and not one of the thousands of Medicare fraud places.
I believe he is more set an making sure whichever places he applies to are quality agencies, and not one of the thousands of Medicare fraud places.


I'm calling driving, going to etc all these different places. I just don't want to end up somewhere to be screwed by the pooch. It gets old after a while. I'm looking for somewhere to settle down and actually make a decent career there.
It is my belief that being an EMT-Basic is a job. If you want a career you really need to get your Paramedic cert.