Michael Moore talks about many of the things that I've come to realize over the years. These realizations are why I've been preaching the necessity of job security (typically safeguarded by a union) along with a safe, secure defined benefit (pension). The point he makes around a minute in about unions creating the middle class by going to war with big businesses hits close to home. The comment about us putting our defined contribution retirement plans (401k, 403b) into what's basically a casino (stock market) was particularly clever, and dead on. Look what happened last year.
I can't wait to see his new movie. I hope that the nation finally wakes up and realizes how we're all being screwed.
Michael Moore talks about many of the things that I've come to realize over the years. These realizations are why I've been preaching the necessity of job security (typically safeguarded by a union) along with a safe, secure defined benefit (pension). The point he makes around a minute in about unions creating the middle class by going to war with big businesses hits close to home. The comment about us putting our defined contribution retirement plans (401k, 403b) into what's basically a casino (stock market) was particularly clever, and dead on. Look what happened last year.
I can't wait to see his new movie. I hope that the nation finally wakes up and realizes how we're all being screwed.