Hi you all,
I am relatively new to SoCal EMT work, is it considered a "no no" to mention that a patient may be able to go through worker's compensation for their injury? I got chewed out by the boss of the event i was working at for mentioning it, but as I know from my full-time job and experience, if you do go through worker's compensation, typically there are specific doctor's that you are suppose to see in a non-emergency situation.
Worker's comp protects the employee should they sustain an on the job injury.
Low life employer's hate for it to be used because it costs them money, usually in the form of higher premiums if enough injuries occur and involves tons of paperwork. Plus, it forces them to grant you (the employee) certain rights and protections if the accident did occur while in the performance of your job.
Now, I am assuming these facts from the information you posted so if they are inaccurate, please let us know.
Here is why your boss may have been upset.
1. If you are working for a PRIVATE company doing an EMS standby, your CLIENT (boss) is the event organizers which hired you/your company.
2. If one of the event employees is injured on that job, it is your responsibility to treat their injuries not give them legal advice. As an employee they should know their rights.
3. Your employer (ambo/EMS company) is dependent upon it's client (the event) for revenue. If the client gets wind that the medical people they hired are informing the injured of their legal rights (which is non EMS function), they will fire the company providing the EMS service (your boss/your job).
Now from a management perspective, does it all make sense to you now why your boss was upset when you informed your patient of their legal rights instead of simply treating them for their injury?
In short, you are biting the hand which feeds you...it is up to you to determine where your morals/ethics guide you if you feel so inclined to dispense advice in the future.
There is NOTHING wrong with simply treating the patient and not advising
them of anything other than offering transport.