Hi guys,
This is my first time in here and this web helped me a lot before from reading your questions and answers.
I went to the DMV today and I picked up a Medical Exam form so I can fill out and take to a doctor. The only thing is that I don't have a doctor or Health Insurance. Currently I live in Santa Cruz CA. Can anyone tell me where to go to find the best deal on prices for someone who doesn't have an health insurance?? Also, where to find a list of doctors?? For some reason I couldn't find that list on the paper work!!
Thanks in advance,
This is my first time in here and this web helped me a lot before from reading your questions and answers.
I went to the DMV today and I picked up a Medical Exam form so I can fill out and take to a doctor. The only thing is that I don't have a doctor or Health Insurance. Currently I live in Santa Cruz CA. Can anyone tell me where to go to find the best deal on prices for someone who doesn't have an health insurance?? Also, where to find a list of doctors?? For some reason I couldn't find that list on the paper work!!
Thanks in advance,