Medic Students!!!


The didactic portion of my paramedic program is complete. My entire class of 21, down from the 24 that started, passed the quarter's written and practical stations and now, it's on to 500 more hours of field internship and 40 more ED hours.

Final testing is June 14th.
we are not allowed to stick each other.
school rules.

as i said.. God help my first patient. :unsure:

Do you go to Collin County?
Just remember its a marathon not a sprint!
I was so ready to get thru paramedic school. Just take it one day at a time
636 hours clinicals done!
685 class hours done!
4 senerio finals done ( medical,trauma, cardio, pharmacology)
1 final final done (185 multiple choice 25 rhythms, 33 drug does adult/peds)
state exam done!
NR SKILLS testing in morning
NR cpt tuesday or wensday

I am finally a PARAMEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
636 hours clinicals done!
685 class hours done!
4 senerio finals done ( medical,trauma, cardio, pharmacology)
1 final final done (185 multiple choice 25 rhythms, 33 drug does adult/peds)
state exam done!
NR SKILLS testing in morning
NR cpt tuesday or wensday

I am finally a PARAMEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congrats to all of our new Medics!
I got my paramedic 2 days ago, I had 75 questions on my written. I didn't really study for it, I just took a few practice tests, but looking back studying wouldnt have helped me cuz that test is pretty weird.
SO who here is still in medic school?

It still hasnt hit me that it's over yet...

been a member for a while, but only recntly started posting. i'm a first semester medic student, finishing up pathophys middle of next month.

talk about information overload! my friends daughter was playing with an etch-a-sketch the other day and i said "hey, you drew v-tach!" needless say i got a blank stare. hahahaha

anyway, just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm enrolled and waiting, impatiently, for classes to start in a few months. Does that count? Congrats to everyone who already passed.

been a member for a while, but only recntly started posting. i'm a first semester medic student, finishing up pathophys middle of next month.

talk about information overload! my friends daughter was playing with an etch-a-sketch the other day and i said "hey, you drew v-tach!" needless say i got a blank stare. hahahaha
anyway, just wanted to introduce myself.

That is awesome. ROFL... I remember the days when I started most sentences when Scene safe/BSI!

Best of luck
I'm enrolled and waiting, impatiently, for classes to start in a few months. Does that count? Congrats to everyone who already passed.

Does that count? I don't see why not. Medic school is " the best of times, the worst of times". It is very tough, but hang in there and you will miss it one day. I am still friends with many of my instructors and other students. I like to return to the college and sit in on some classes at times, keeps my memeory fresh and reminds me of hoe hard I worked for my patch.

Enjoy the adventure ahead.

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Thanks, I really intend to enjoy it. I've been putting it off for a long time because of my kids, but the time is finally right, the stars have aligned... all that good stuff. Of course, six months from now I may be wondering what the heck I was thinking. :P
A year from now when you have your patch and are working on a truck by yourself, you'll definitely be wondering what you were thinking :ph34r:
Two years, which is both Yay! and Boo! I'm so impatient that the thought of taking two years to finish makes me itch, but I'm excited because it's a very thorough program. I'm hoping that by next year I'll be able to pass the test to be an EMT-I and volunteer while I'm finishing the paramedic program.
ACLS testing tomorrow and Sunday... here goes nothing!
Two years, which is both Yay! and Boo! I'm so impatient that the thought of taking two years to finish makes me itch, but I'm excited because it's a very thorough program. I'm hoping that by next year I'll be able to pass the test to be an EMT-I and volunteer while I'm finishing the paramedic program.

it is a long time, but it seems to go by pretty quick. this summer will be my last semester, and it seems like it really wasn't that long ago i was just starting. i think its one of those situations where time flies when you're will definitely be busy...

I'm really looking forward to the busy-ness. I've been working from home for the last 8 years, since I had my second daughter, and my youngest just turned 2. My husband was in the Marine Corps and then got out to become a cop. I spent those years being the stabilizing force in our family. Now that he's settled into the LEO world, I'm SO ready to go to school and start my career.