medic registry

bill williams

Forum Crew Member
Reaction score
Took the medic registry today, I went all the way to 150. Should I be worried?
This is asked every day, and the answer is always the same. You can pass at 70; you can fail at 70. You can pass at 150; you can fail at 150. You'll find out tomorrow. Cross your fingers.
The computer system will shut off when certain parameters are met. You must have >70 questions asked, and it must be clear that the applicant has either passed or failed. Once 70 is reached and you have not passed at that point, the system will continue asking questions until you have clearly passed or failed or you reach the maximum of 150 questions. And then it will shut off. Apparently there are also some applicants that are randomly selected to go the full 150, and some of those questions aren't scored because they're trial questions that may be included in future testing.

Bottom line is that you won't know until your results are released. The NCLEX is set up in a similar manner, and it's questions are adaptive. Therefore every exam is unique and will be the toughest exam you'll have ever taken, because that's what it does. I have no doubt that the current NREMT-P exam is also similarly adaptive.