The 2nd biggest issue causing the detriment to our industry, behind failure to comply with appropriate safety recommendations from the NTSB.
We have to educate our frontline responders on when it is appropriate to utilize us. In addition, they have to stop getting their feelings hurt and their panties in a wad when we say something is not appropriate. For those not appropriately triaging due to lack of understanding or fear, they should take it as an educational offering to improve their abilities. For those being too lazy to appropriately deliver care to their patients, they should take it as a wake up call to stop being a lazy provider. It is really as simple as that. For the protection of my life and that of my co-workers, this topic cannot be sugar coated. Any true professional out there can see this reality.................................
One of the biggest takeaway points from my limited time in air medical was this: I don't wanna be the guy that kills a flight crew calling for something stupid.