Looking for EMS 4 EMS, by Janet L. Schulte


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Hey all, I'm having a hard time finding a copy of EMS 4 EMS: Easy Memory System for Emergency Medical Services by Janet L. Schulte. I've been to Amazon.com, books-A-million, Barnes and Knoble and many other sites and its like the book was published and sold out with no more copies available. Amazon.com still has it listed, but its currently unavailable.

I'm currently in Paramedic school and we're going through A&P, and I think the book could really help me with my memory retention. I was wondering if any of you may know where I could get a copy, or maybe you or someone you know has a copy and is wanting to sell it. thanks "D"
No Matt I havent... I suppose i could try to track her down, might be easier than findeing the book!!! Lol

Thanks, "D"
I know Janet Schulte personally and I just saw her the other day where she works. I'll inquire about the availability of her book for you.
I know Janet Schulte personally and I just saw her the other day where she works. I'll inquire about the availability of her book for you.

Thanks Karaya!!! That would be great!!!!
I just saw Janet today and she said a third printing is going to press shortly. She is not exactly sure of the date, but it will be soon and she advised to just keeping checking on the web.
Okay, thanks a million!!!!
i too would like a copy of this book. I am trying to get as much reading as I can before medic school starts. any others I should look into?