Looking for Canadian EMT info


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A friend of mine is asking for info about becoming an EMT in Canada, specifically G. Kelowna, BC.

Since I'm in the USA, I'm not really familiar with the Canadian requirements. Anyone know where I can point her?

:D Welcome :D

Welcome to EMTLife! You already have some great links, and we have a few canadian members too. Hopefully they'll chime in with more information :)
is your friend already an EMT down in the states? If so, I think an EMT-B down in the states is only equivilant (sp?) to an EMR (Pretty much a glorified first aider, but can be really useful), if your friend was an EMT-I (i think you have them down there) then they'd be equal to an EMT or Primary Care Paramedic (don't know if BC has switched to the new system yet or not). If your friend hasn't taken the program, then there's no reason why he couldn't take the course up here, and work. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask. Plus we have a guy here that worked in SD as an EMT before coming up here, i'll ask him more tomorrow at work.
Thanks, everyone!

The friend of mine is a CA resident, not currently licensed/accredited/whatever. SHe's a medical transcriptionist, and caught wind of my review of my NREMT-B clinical time from this past week (test is in September), and started asking questions.

Thank you all for the links. They've been interesting for me to read (Illinois, USA, Region 1) to get a view of how things differ in other places.
Originally posted by Geordon@Jul 27 2005, 02:20 PM
Thanks, everyone!

The friend of mine is a CA resident, not currently licensed/accredited/whatever. SHe's a medical transcriptionist, and caught wind of my review of my NREMT-B clinical time from this past week (test is in September), and started asking questions.

Thank you all for the links. They've been interesting for me to read (Illinois, USA, Region 1) to get a view of how things differ in other places.
Things differ from state to state, region to region in the USA. There is probably no, one specific program that is the same, coast to coast. In the earlier years, first responders were basically citizens with DOH first aid cards. Now they can do just about as much as a Basic EMT. In many states, they can do more than basics in others.