looking for a shift pocket planner thingy...


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Hey all, I have been looking for a pocket planner that has the 24/48 shifts for 2007. I have no clue where to get one, does anyone have any idea where I could find one?

Do you have a Firefighters Credit Union near you? That is where I got my pocket calendar.
I went to the local one and they didn't have them...
Thanks akflightmedic. that is what I am looking for except in a smaller version. I need one that pretty much fits in my back pocket for instance with enough room to write. I wish that company made something like that...
Did you ask if they make smaller ones???

I quit carrying shift calendars a long time ago however another option is to buy the calendar size you want and then spend 10 minutes writing ABC over and over...you can use diff color inks too if you want to make them stand out.

I did that a couple years..it was cheaper and I got what I wanted.
I realise this is an old thread, but I thought you would be interested that shift calendars these days are web based. The shift schedule can therefore be viewed from any internet connected computer.

- Neil Tyrell Shift Planner