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I'm new to EMS work. I've been a certified EMT-B for a year and a half now and I'm having trouble finding a job. I was hoping to find a paying position as an EMT somewhere, but so far it has only been volunteer work. I've talked to people working all over the Twin Cities and they all say that the job market here is very tight right now. I'm just curious how it is in the rest of the country. Let me know how it is where you live.
Its like it all over the country. Get your paramedic.

Have you looked in the ER's at the local hospital? A lot of hospitals hire "ER Tech".

But, there are still more jobs for EMS then pretty much any other job (around here) it seems...
Yeah I was thinking about getting my paramedic. There have been a few postings for ER Techs around here I've applied to but no luck yet. Where are you from?
Yeah I was thinking about getting my paramedic. There have been a few postings for ER Techs around here I've applied to but no luck yet. Where are you from?

Michigan as my profile says ;)
I was hoping to find a paying position as an EMT somewhere, but so far it has only been volunteer work.
Wow, I can't imagine why that would be, lol.

I hope that you politely refused those volly offers. So long as desperate basics keep taking those offers, they will never have any reason to have paid jobs for people like you.

The market is pretty much as you describe everywhere, with a few exceptions. There are always transfer jockey positions available in the larger areas, where dozens of companies exist. But, as for a real EMS position, they are few and far between, especially for a basic, which are a dime a dozen. If your school didn't discuss that with you before you enrolled, then your school may suck.

In some areas, getting paramedic certification can rapidly get you a job. In others, where fire departments dominate EMS, it can get you nothing more than deeper in debt and still unemployed. It's time to do a serious job market analysis before you throw any more time, money, or effort into what may well be a futile search. Good luck!
Hey pal I'm only curious how the job market is elsewhere.

Whats with the attitude? You asked, he answered. You don't like the answer so you get an attitude. Nice work!

FYI his answer was spot on.
I was sponsored by a local private ambulance company in Los Angeles, they paid for me to get my EMT-B with the agreement that I will work for them after I finish and get my certs. The class is held at the ambulance headquaters but is tought through a contracted EMT school. Another local company will start the hiring proccess while you are still in school(class mate is doing this). So the EMT-B job market in the LA area is pretty good.
Does anyone know anything about El Paso? I am moving there the beginning of April. My husband just got stationed to Ft. Bliss. I have found quite a few private companys and the El Paso fire dept site says they are not hiring at the time. I was gonna try the base hospital I have heard the have their own ambulance company but have not yet confirmed that. I dont really want to work as an E.R. Tech, but will as a last resort, any info would be great, I know the job market here in cali is not the greatest.
ky is pretty good. I got hired on a private (ehh) service the day I took the NREMT test pending I passed and background checks came back clear.
Where I'm at in Indiana it seems to be okay. Theres a few transfer services hiring and some outlying counties hiring 911 if your willing to travel.
Texas seems like one of the easiest states to find an EMT job, they have tons of openings. Yeah, Texas is a huge state and I'm sure they have a bigger supply of EMT's looking for jobs than most states, but from what I've read on Texas forum(s) it isn't very difficult to get hired on.
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That's true. They just aren't EMS jobs. In the metropolitan areas, it is almost impossible to find an EMS job as an EMT-B. In the rural areas, it's hard to find either an EMS or an IFT job because of the lack of employers. The suburban areas are the best bets for jobs. But again, most EMT jobs in Texas are just ambulance driver jobs.
Did he have some kind of attitude I missed?

Evidently he did, since I quoted him, he agreed and he apologized.

You trying out for mod status?
To the OP I live on the eastern side of WI but the market is fairly hit and miss. Last week I got hired for a paramedic position after I pass the class (2 more months) I also got 2 job offers as an EMT-B up in the area I live in. This company typically hires twice a year only, they will hire about 10-15 people at a time as part time then the ones that work the most hours get full time. Luckily in EMS there is usually quite a bit of turnover so find a few decent companies in your area and keep on top of them.

Some others here have mentioned that they started seeing cutbacks or decreases in hiring but in my area everything is running like normal. You'd think in the twin cities there'd be some sort of opportunity for a transfer jockey just to get your feet wet.