loans and bad comments


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Ok me again with the questions. There are 2 spots open for Jan ems-b class. I dont have the money right this second but am very worried the spots are going to close. I have extremely bad credit due to a very good excuse in the past months and am looking for a good lender on a 3 mo term. Anybody know any good lenders that aren't looking for 214%?
Also, what is with everyone (vets of the firehouse who are also paramedics) trying to talk me out of this? I have researched and researched to see if this is something that would be good for my personality, goals, etc. The more I research the more I wonder why I haven't done this sooner. I am getting hit with "Well more than 50% drop out". Am I missing something here? Not that's it's going to deter me, it's not. But what is the deal?
Finding a job (With steady/guaranteed hours) as an EMT can be *very* difficult depending on where you live. In my area, a Basic will work PRN (as needed, no guaranteed hours or shifts) between 4-6 different services, 1 per county, for a couple of years before being offered a full-time slot and that's only if one opens up. The reason is there is no demand for Basics here, there are tons of them being *born* every semester.

Now Medics on the other hand, You can walk into a couple of different places here and walk out with a guaranteed job.
To be more specific, I plan to progress to Paramedic. I have no intentions of staying at the just enough information level. They should teach this stuff in high school required. I learned CPR b/c of getting pregnant with my first child. I guess I just don't get the negative attitude. But, since know one knows me, I am in no way you're average Jane. I am gung ho in all I do.
Finding a job (With steady/guaranteed hours) as an EMT can be *very* difficult depending on where you live. In my area, a Basic will work PRN (as needed, no guaranteed hours or shifts) between 4-6 different services, 1 per county, for a couple of years before being offered a full-time slot and that's only if one opens up. The reason is there is no demand for Basics here, there are tons of them being *born* every semester.

Now Medics on the other hand, You can walk into a couple of different places here and walk out with a guaranteed job.

Specifics please.

I'm seeking a job as a Paramedic in Missouri.

Also, credit score often factors in when seeking a job as a paramedic. What's the good reason for your's being poor?
While being a stay at home mom, I was also a photographer. I was contracted out to a pre-school portrait company and hurt my wrist on an over night trip. I was carrying my equipment down the stairs at 5 in the morning and fell. I couldn't work for months b/c of the fracture. Long story short, they won. Didn't pay. My HB wasn't able to cover my debt and it went bad. It's now in credit counseling.
While being a stay at home mom, I was also a photographer. I was contracted out to a pre-school portrait company and hurt my wrist on an over night trip. I was carrying my equipment down the stairs at 5 in the morning and fell. I couldn't work for months b/c of the fracture. Long story short, they won. Didn't pay. My HB wasn't able to cover my debt and it went bad. It's now in credit counseling.

Okay. Fair enough. I just want you to be aware that you may have to explain that to more people in the future if you want to go this career route.

I'm afraid I don't know of any good loaners though. I wish you luck in getting into EMT school.

Oh, and as for people trying to talk you out of it...well...that statistic is true. Actually, it's a bit low. Very few make it through. It's just a tight community. An important position. Requires good people.
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Specifics please.

I'm seeking a job as a Paramedic in Missouri.

Southeast Missouri, Pick a county in the most southeastern area and voila. There's a hospital based unit, a few county districts, and a couple of private services. I have even heard an unverified rumor that one of the private services are offering a sign-up bonus for medics

I have extremely bad credit due to a very good excuse in the past months and am looking for a good lender on a 3 mo term. Anybody know any good lenders that aren't looking for 214%?

Does the school offer a payment plan? When I did my EMT years ago, the school I used allowed a deposit then payments. The catch was that you had to have them paid by the end of the program or they didnt sign off allowing you to test. As for medic, I'm paying it with a government student loan (Stafford)
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Southeast Missouri, Pick a county in the most southeastern area and voila. There's a hospital based unit, a few county districts, and a couple of private services. I have even heard an unverified rumor that one of the private services are offering a sign-up bonus for medics

Now about how far away from Independence would that be?

Edit: Agh. Too far. I want to be near Kansas city. Girlfriend.
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Maybe I was too gruff about the negativity. I understand why they want good people in this field. It is probably actually good that most people drop out if it's not for them. I totally agree with another post on another thread that this job should pay way more than it does. I'm not going into this for the money, I'm going in for the purpose. That takes responsibility which not a factor that a lot of people seem to have these days.
Maybe I was too gruff about the negativity. I understand why they want good people in this field. It is probably actually good that most people drop out if it's not for them. I totally agree with another post on another thread that this job should pay way more than it does. I'm not going into this for the money, I'm going in for the purpose. That takes responsibility which not a factor that a lot of people seem to have these days.

Your mistake is hanging around with firefighters, to be honest.

If you want some legitimate advice and encouragement, talk to those in the private - real EMS - business.
I put on another post, my hb is a 4 month rookie. (FF). He gives me this information to be informed. I don't know them personally that well yet but they seem to be a great district. HB is all for it. He wants me to hear the good and bad. My HB is was an Army Engineer (bombs) so he has some experience with emergency during the gulf war. I have heard that FF's like to be, let's say mischievous sometimes. lol
I put on another post, my hb is a 4 month rookie. (FF). He gives me this information to be informed. I don't know them personally that well yet but they seem to be a great district. HB is all for it. He wants me to hear the good and bad. My HB is was an Army Engineer (bombs) so he has some experience with emergency during the gulf war. I have heard that FF's like to be, let's say mischievous sometimes. lol

It's good to get all sides of a story to make a better informed decision. Are you looking at the healthcare aspect of EMS or are you looking to be a Firefighter/EMT (or Firefighter/Medic). It's a *very* touchy subject to alot of people. I only ask because you stated that "It's" very much what you would like to do, and also mention firefighters.
I have no intentions of being a part of the fire district. My Hb is one so I get extra information from there. I would prefer to be with one of the units in my town that are extensions of the hospitals.
Stephenbr81- are you familiar with Ft. Madison or Burlington IA?

No. I'm a homegrown SE Missouri boy. Short of a small stint in Oklahoma and a very short military term (And even then I didnt make it out of missouri lol), this is the only area I know

I have no intentions of being a part of the fire district. My Hb is one so I get extra information from there. I would prefer to be with one of the units in my town that are extensions of the hospitals.

I love working on an Ambulance and enjoy every aspect of the "Emergency Medicine" side of EMS, It is a wonderful career IMHO. If you are looking at a school for the EMT then talk to one of the counselors regarding payment/funding options. Schools have more options than a program taught in a basement lol
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Just curious. We were near Missouri. Although I don't think I ever went except passing through. Nice area though. I'm from SoWeGa. So very different.
Ok well let me ask this. There is an ems / SC class offered here at half the price but they say it's not as good as the college. It's still accredited. What are your thoughts on that?