Let me introduce myself.


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My name is Charlie V., And I'm A Captain for my Local Volunteer Ambulance Corp., Bay Shore- Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance. I'm Currently an EMT-CC Critical Care, And will be taking a Paramedic course this September. I have over 10 years in EMS, And I attended College at NYIT, For which two years i was on an EMS Scholarship as a Training officer for their EMS Program for the Students and Staff that attended the college. My question is for all EMS, I'm currently preparing a training for my EMS Department on SMART Triage, and i cant find Information on training using the kits. I have looked on the site for TSG Associates which the kits are manufactured by, Is there another site with either a power point presentation or other information that will assist me in my training. thank you

Let me welcome you to the forums! This is a great place to network with some really great EMS folks.

As far as your SMART question..... someone here will be able to point you in the right direction. I just don't have a answer for ya.

Welcome to the forum. I'll be honest, I'm dead tired right now but will try to reread your post tomorrow and do my best to help you out.

Welcome to the forum!

You're going to want to download this link to the SMART Triage system.

That should be what you're looking for, but if not let me know.
captchaz55 said:
My name is Charlie V., And I'm A Captain for my Local Volunteer Ambulance Corp., Bay Shore- Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance. I'm Currently an EMT-CC Critical Care, And will be taking a Paramedic course this September. I have over 10 years in EMS, And I attended College at NYIT, For which two years i was on an EMS Scholarship as a Training officer for their EMS Program for the Students and Staff that attended the college. My question is for all EMS, I'm currently preparing a training for my EMS Department on SMART Triage, and i cant find Information on training using the kits. I have looked on the site for TSG Associates which the kits are manufactured by, Is there another site with either a power point presentation or other information that will assist me in my training. thank you

NOOOO stop stalking me!

It's Erika. And Nat says stop stalking me too!

Seriously, though, welcome to the forum. :)

Are you talking SMART or START? Commack has a great START drill - I think SMART is ICS from my googling.

What we do at Commack is a presentation on how to use the system, then make up teams of two and give each a worksheet - there are various numbered sheets of paper posted around the corps with patient info and the teams go from pt to patient evaluating them. The chiefs/instructors make sure no one lingers too long on one patient, and the whole activity is timed - when time is up, the call it, and see who was able to get to all of the patients in the time alloted.

Talk to Nat - I think I'm coming down to ride Friday the 14th with him and April - I can help you then if you're around, and if you want I can try to get some of the information from my training officer. :)
:) :) :) Welcome!! :) :) :)
Hey rescuecpt, Are you really WOW..You must be.... Smart= Start. It justs the name of the equiptment. The county reconizes Start, but not to confuse the membership anymore, I have gone with the kit name and thats that. My training is thursday so that information would not be helpful although appreciated. I'm not a stalker just looking for some info!! See you guys soon.
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That did'nt work MMiz.
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Welcome welcome!
this is me

Greetings all,
I am a paramedic in Ireland and i have been in the job for over 13 years, prior to that i was a nurse in a/e.
Hope to post topics that will amuse and be of some interest to you all.:)