Forum Asst. Chief
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Well thank god this is not me... I am posting this in concerns of a co-worker.. This morning we came into work and got the "hey did you hear what happend to ... "
Any ways.. I was taught that you begin your assessment with the tones going off.. Once continuing your assessment with the PT you split from medical or trauma... If the PT is not A&OX3 then you may want to rule out Trauma.. But if the PT is speaking to you, tells you that he had been drinking, walks to the ambulance, complains of no pain and no visible blood or DCAP.. That it should be treated as a medical and there for no Head to toe would be necisarry..
Now I know old school was almost everybody go the good ol' head to toe.. I am asking legally was he in the wrong.. Did he not follow BLS protocal and is there possible problems down the road...
By not doing the head to toe or rapid trauma assessment than yes, he will be held responsible. Is that not neglect? He failed to do his job properly due to the nature of the call. Not a good excuse that would hold up in court.
Marriam-Webster defines neglect as:
synonyms neglect , disregard , ignore , overlook , slight , forget mean to pass over without giving due attention. neglect implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one's attention <habitually neglected his studies>. disregard suggests voluntary inattention <disregarded the wishes of his family>. ignore implies a failure to regard something obvious <ignored the snide remark>. overlook suggests disregarding or ignoring through haste or lack of care <in my rush I overlooked a key example>. slight implies contemptuous or disdainful disregarding or omitting <slighted several major authors in her survey>. forget may suggest either a willful ignoring or a failure to impress something on one's mind <forget what others say>.