Lazy Co-workers


Forum Crew Member
Station duties, patient care, dishes, hygiene, maintenance you name it. How do you deal with them? You talk with them and they don't give a hoot. Your other co-worker just laugh at your because your the poor sucker stuck with them. Management is off-site and they tell you to deal with it amongst yourselves. Your work 96 hrs with them and it's complete utter dibilitating mind numbing painfully frustrating agony.


Forum Deputy Chief
Are you a new employee? If so, it might just be part of an informal initiation process that will pass. Don't take it personally, assuming you're not being assaulted. The part about "painfully frustrating agony" leaves me wondering whether you should try something different -- not because you're at fault, but just because it's pretty unpleasant to work everyday at a job you feel that way about.


Forum Deputy Chief
Lot of ways to deal with it....and I have suggestions but you threw "patient care" in there as well. So overall this sounds like raw deal all the way around especially if management is not interested.


Forum Probie
I work at a hospital and I get extremely frustrated when I have to break my back over and over again while I want a coworker of mine sit on the their butt and not care about patients, even if they're sitting there waiting to go back upstairs... staring at her.... nope all she does is sit on her phone and waits for you to do it. It makes me lose my marbles every now and then especially when I'm food deprived. The problem is, if you say well "I won't work either" and shove the work their way, it can affect patient care, and I personally don't like that. I don't have a solution, but I've kept record of all the things that happen and tell my boss. Flat out tell them if you have to, be rude if you have to, and seriously show them what you mean. If management seriously doesn't care about someone being lazy..... then...... doesn't that tell you something about the company? If they ever lose you, they'll be sorry they lost a hard worker... that's for sure.


Security Officer/Dispatcher/FR
Be the best employee you can be. Show up early, do your job, maybe do a little extra and go home. You will be recognized for your hard work. People think that getting back at "those types" of employees is by being just like them but in all reality it just makes you look bad as well. If the truck needs to be washed and you've done it every day and you think they should do it, just do it yourself. Hard work is recognized by any good manager.

Now if you feel they are not providing the best care to their ability and management has gotten involved and nothing has been done then you need to take some bigger steps to get someone to list. If you're talking truck stuff, dishes and thing of that nature that don't affect patient care then just keep doing what you know you need to be doing and one day their loss will be your gain.

Good luck!


Nationally Certified Wannabe
Station duties, patient care, dishes, hygiene, maintenance you name it. How do you deal with them? You talk with them and they don't give a hoot. Your other co-worker just laugh at your because your the poor sucker stuck with them. Management is off-site and they tell you to deal with it amongst yourselves. Your work 96 hrs with them and it's complete utter dibilitating mind numbing painfully frustrating agony.

Here's how I look at it: why do I come to work, what's the end goal ? How much do I need to enjoy what I'm doing to keep doing it ? What are the pros and cons of keeping doing it ? Sit down and make a list.

Be the best employee you can be. Show up early, do your job, maybe do a little extra and go home. You will be recognized for your hard work.

^ This. Except, maybe, the last part. Unfortunately, not every company is a meritocracy.